Industry Analysis

Make use of your keywords and check the results that show in Google's search results, view the word count, this can be done using SEMRush or Ahrefs to discover the domains that were attached, check deeper to view different things and adjust yours to fit in. If you discovered from your analysis the average content is 500 words per post, the implication is that you need to write a higher content post with quality to rank in that particular niche. Isn't that simple and direct? Think about this and begin to rank higher in your niche, before constructing a building you need to do some researches on the type of edifice you decide to build, after getting the full requirement then you start to build. Do the needful in your niche and understand the trends before writing content.

Ready to Write Quality, Not Quantity

The length of a building does not justify the strength but the material quality used in structuring and the building process. As you have evaluated the top 10search results and view the comments of the people and try to fish out the attractive elements on that site, what customers cherish and also to win the game of content, you may ask your audience what they require from you, with your survey you'll achieve this, the tool to use UserTesting. After getting their feedback, make use of the outcome to get the knowledge of the kind of content you need to write and the quantity needed. It varies as I have rightly said depending on your niche, the industry you are operating in, your website may need to get content of 5,000 words for you to rank above others or in need of 500 content according to your competitive analysis, the reason is just to discover the standard in your vertical/niche. Don't labor for fun labor for gain, all these cut across all industries to detect the type of content needed for ranking and to outrun your competitors.

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lesabre Premium
Hi, thank you for sharing this. Got you bookmarked.

Best wishes,
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, content quality is very vital and writing the appropriate quantity produces the organic traffic needed.Keep rocking higher in online business.
Parameter Premium

I love the way you put it - read to write quality and not quantity.
emimos12 Premium
Discovering the content quantity through research and competitive analysis is very important , learning from the leaders of the niche is the best techniques, creation of quality content. I appreciate your comment.
Willow29 Premium
There's some great information here that I hadn't thought of before. Great training, thank you so much!
emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment, to rank high on google page 1,even before writing anything at all, you must be ready to research what is trending in your niche and perform some analysis, then you know what to do about content quantity. Rock high in online business.
SolomonSel Premium
Emimos this morning I was completing an article for my website. During the process of writing, I kept on looking at my word count I am aware that the current standard is at 1000 words as you've stated so when I got to the 1000th mark it's like my brain switched off from my article and into the word count again.

The reason why I'm emphasizing this point is because I've been searching on WA for guidelines as to the length of an article but i came across information from 2 or 3 years ago so i wasn't sure whether it was still relevant or not. I am extremely happy for your updated post on the matter. I finally have clarity on the issue. Thank you.

emimos12 Premium
I appreciate your comment and time taken to contribute, content quantity varies, doing the right thing is the way out, make a research on leaders in your niche and study them meticulously and approach the normal techniques to discover the quantity of content needed to rank high on google page 1. And quality over quantity strategy.Thank you.
SolomonSel Premium
Will definitely do. I have started already analyzing one such website today.
Thank you.
emimos12 Premium
Hope the website is from your niche?
Israel17 Premium
What a great training tutorial, emimos! You've highlighted the essentials of creating great and long-form content as well as working hard to improve Google rankings. And this single tutorial contains materials that can help anyone build a successful affiliate website in no distant time. Thanks for the great effort!

Israel Olatunji
emimos12 Premium
Thank you for the comment, I discover some online marketers find it difficult to know the steps in actualizing content quantity.Thank you for this contribution, Rock higher and become Authority domain.