We hear it all the time…I just don’t have enough time. I’m just too busy to do that. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but we all have the same amount of time. Time does not have any favorites. No one is the exception.

Sixty seconds in each minute and sixty minutes in each hour. Why is it that some people can get so much done, while others seem to drown in endless paperwork?

Let’s look at some of the greatest time wasters:

  1. 1. Shuffling papers or emails.
  2. 2. Chasing missed calls.
  3. 3. Lack of planning.
  4. 4. Interruptions.
  5. 5. Multi-tasking

Shuffling papers or emails is one of the biggest wastes of time you can have. Handle paper or email only once…no mas, no menos! Easier said than done? No, here’s how:

Does it have to be answered? Is it just for information? Do I need to keep it? All this applies to paper or an email. Same thing.

If you don’t have to answer it, DON’T. Discard it.

Is it only for information? If you need to file it, do it. Either the file cabinet or a software program like Microsoft OneNote. Then, forget it. Move on. Don’t ponder if you did the right thing.

If you must answer it, answer it! Don’t lay it down and say, “I’ll get to that later”. Handle it only once. If it’s a written letter or note, can you handwrite an answer and return it (make a copy if you need to).

If it’s an email, may email programs give suggested replies…use them! Can you reply with a “Got it”, or a “Thanks”? Must you give a 2 paragraph reply when a simple “thanks” will do?

Are you beginning to get the picture? We waste precious minutes, which turn into precious hours shuffling paper and playing phone tag. Stop it!

Phone calls can be a curse or a blessing. Chasing them, playing tag is a waste of time. Can this call be avoided? Can I send a 2-sentence email and have a paper trail?

Most of the time we get a call and can’t answer it because we’re busy. The caller leaves a message – call me back. We call back and they are busy, we leave a message, just returning your call. They call back and say, please leave a message. This goes on all day. Sound familiar?

If I leave a voice mail, state clearly what I want, or give the complete answer so I don’t have to make another call? Don’t l, eave vague messages like, “do you know who this is”? Maybe “we were in the same class in High School”. Be concise…save a bundle of time.

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kathyB3 Premium
You described my last two days perfectly Joe. I am frantically trying to get that site going and every bit of advice is welcomed. I should have it done in a couple of days and when it is done, I will post it in a message for those who want to see it and ask for critique.
Kathy Berry
Joes946 Premium
Great Kathy. You'll do it!
Ranger97 Premium
I love it and it's very good thank you.
DBeals Premium
I read you loud and clear - we tend to overthink and linger on little things way too much or too long, we need to take time to handle tasks as they come up and be done.

Time we start setting new examples for others, our followers, to follow so we all feel we have gained more time.

Thank you for this post, really makes one stop and think how much time we really waste.
StanNG Premium Plus
Joe, you are absolutely right that one thing we all have equally is time. We all have the same 24 hours a day. You mentioned some great tips to focus on what is important and act on those while eliminating time wasters. These are distractions that eats our time away, making us feel we don’t have time because we are busy.
jayhey Premium
That is very well said. I went through your post and I had a few frogs today to eat.

But as far as planing I do need to work on that when I blog here. My website blogs are on time as usual.

Something I do when I need to plan something out is I take a scrapbook and I write down what days I need to do something for myself and what I need to blog about here.
Joes946 Premium
Great job