Digital Marketing Terms Definitions

There are lots of terminologies in the digital marketing world. They can be quite overwhelming, especially if you are coming from a background that is not related to internet marketing or Information technology. Understanding these terms could be a little challenging.

In this training, we are going to walk through a couple of these terms. Considering the lots of digital marketing terms, I will not be able to cover it all, as such, your using the comment section to add others will be a great light. I believe it will be great assistance to those finding it difficult to understand them.

Top Digital marketing terms and their definitions

  • CPA – Cost Per Acquisition

This is how you evaluate the cost of gain a customer. To make it simple, it is the return on your marketing investment. It is calculated by dividing the total amount spent on your campaign by the number of customers gained. It is an important metrics that tell you how much you have spent in acquiring each customer.

    CPA is not the same as ROI (Return on Investment), although closely related. We will discuss the ROI soon. It is also different from cost per click. While the cost per click has to do with traffic, CPA is more specific, it deals with the acquisition of leads.

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    YvonneBray Premium
    Great tutorial Parameter! This saves me time on looking up words.
    Parameter Premium

    That is wonderful, now u can easily find their meaning from the list. I am glad it proffers solution to the challenge of manual searching for words

    fatimonera54 Premium
    Thanks for sharing Owoeye. Very informative.


    Parameter Premium

    You are welcome Fe, good to know you found it engaging

    Clinton30 Premium
    Hi thank very much for the interesting and informative read
    Parameter Premium

    You are welcome Clinton, some digital terms could be difficult to understand. I hope it's going to solve this challenge for people. Especially people just coming in.

    AndyN1 Premium
    Hi Ayodeji
    Thanks for another very informative article.
    Best regards
    Parameter Premium

    HI Andy,

    Thank for the time taken to see this. I sincerely appreciate and am glad you found it engaging

    Warren-W Premium
    Very informative. Thanks for sharing
    Parameter Premium
    Thank you for you kind words, I am glad you found it engaging
