Just a simple training on eliminating all those old themes you won't use again. I wasn't sure for the longest time on just exactly how to weed out all those old themes. Seems silly now but I thought surely there had to be someone struggling with the same issue.

When you're new at anything you'll often tinker with things more than you probably should. Affiliate marketing isn't much different. You may go through 5-10 themes before finding that one you really like ... not that you should but you might.

Clutter creates confusion. Reorient yourself. Re-focus on your customer and reduce the clutter. Who wants to keep updating 10 themes you no longer have any interest in? Not me.

The steps are too simple to let it go...

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Maxiam59 Premium
thanks for sharing all the best
Gary Sanders Premium
Thank you Maxiam!
LondonLeigh Premium
Thank you Gary,
All the best,
Gary Sanders Premium
Thank you Brandon!
CarlaIves Premium
Short, sweet and to the point! Thanks much, Gary!
Gary Sanders Premium
Thanks Carla
cookma54 Premium
Thanks ... just what I needed! M
Gary Sanders Premium
Thanks Melody!
judebanks Premium Plus
Nice training. I was just posting a reply to another member about how to do this. Next time I can just send them here. Many thanks. ~ Jude
Gary Sanders Premium
Thank you... seems simple unless you don't know how to do it, right?