Here are a few tips that I find helpful (after years of being at university I have attempted to simplify the process):

- Have a general plan of all the topics you want to touch on in your page or blog (some people like to map out a few dot-points prior to staring their writing).


- Just write. Don't overthink it. Just grab a cup of coffee and write, stream of consciousness is really the way to go. Forget about the finer details for now. You can always edit in bold headings, italics, and add images and internal links to your other pages at a later stage. Focusing on this too early may disrupt your train of thought, as you spend most of your time on these less important aspects.

Remember: it's content that converts, not whistles and bells.

- Shorten paragraphs: contrary to what your university lecturers have probably told you, in the online world of webpage writing it is a different ball-game. If you've ever read a website that consists of lengthy paragraphs, you will be less inclined to want to read on. Dense paragraphs are much harder to scan, and quite frankly look a little unattractive to the reader.

So cut down on the length of your paragraphs and you'll find writing it and reading it a more enjoyable experience. 2 - 4 sentences will often be more than enough.

- Write in smaller time blocks: sometimes when we have a brainwave or we're really getting into what we're writing, it is better to continue uninterrupted. Sometimes for example I'm enjoying writing so much and my train of thought is so clear that it would be a mistake to abandon it and come back later, only to lose all those fresh ideas.

Most of the time, however, 30 - 50 minute blocks will suffice.

Please continue to my next page!

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MyraBeth Premium
The last page I need to create before moving on to the next lesson used to overwhelm me. But now, I am going to simplify it as much as possible. Even if it is a short page. I can always add more later and fill in more details. As I am only on Course 2, my blogs and pages don't need to be made in great detail. A simplified version is a great way to get started and to keep going. People are overwhelmed as it is with all the amount of info on the internet. I am sure some of them would appreciate - simplicity. My lifestyle motto is: Keep it soooo simple.
Mac01 Premium
That's a great motto to live by, MyraBeth. Yes, life can be overwhelming so it's best to simplify things as much as possible ("kiss" principle, I think they call it!)

As Kyle says, we don't need to overthink keyword research or be a top author; as long as our content is well-written, presentable and well-structured overall we're on the right track. Hope you week is going well!
Kaciesmama Premium
I didn't know that editing improves SEO - so that's something I've definitely learned. I always keep a pencil and notebook at the side of my bed (using notes on an i-phone is also a good idea - not sure if androids have this facility) as I often lay awake at night with thoughts of what I want to write about and writing them down helps me clear my head AND get some sleep.
Mac01 Premium
Good one, Kaciesmama, I'll take this tip on board!

Yes, search engines like to see content that's updated on a frequent basis. Thank you for your contribution, all the best.
VincentA Premium
Keep it simple is the key. Thanks for this consise info.
Mac01 Premium
You've summed it up well, Vincent. Thanks and have a great day!
RobinA8181 Premium
Thanks for the ideas Mac!
Mac01 Premium
That's my pleasure, Rahsong. Appreciate you reading, have a great day!
Funkydunc208 Premium
Thank you very much, Mac. Some great points to ponder in this training.
Mac01 Premium
And thank you, Funkydunc! Hope you're having a great week. Best.