Author TonyHamilton
Rank 1667

Facebook Business Page 101

The video above will take step by step to setting up your Facebook Business Page.

In the video above we will:

  • Start from your Personal facebook Page. (Yes, you do need a Facebook Personal page in order to have a Facebook Business Page)
  • Go to any other Facebook Business page then click "Create a Page" tab on the left side.
  • Choose a category and name you Page
  • Upload your profile and cover pictures
  • Add a Call to Action button
  • Fill out the About section as well as the Facebook Story area
  • Create your first post on your page
  • Share your first post onto a Facebook Group, One of your other Facebook Business Pages (If you have one) and onto your Personal Facebook Page. (As long as you are comfortable with sharing there)
  • Like your post as well as your pictures as yourself and as your page.
  • Invite Friends to like your page
  • Share your page onto groups as well as onto your other page(s) and/or your personal page.

Any and all questions are welcome below, i will be creating a Your Facebook Business page 201 training later based somewhat on the questions/suggestions that I receive here on this training.

The facebook Training 201 will most likely be created after the Instagram 201 Training that I will create with the questions/suggestions that have been asked about the Instagram 101 Training as well as the Instagram # Hashtag Training and Instagram posts.

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Dhind1 Premium Plus
Thanks Tony
TonyHamilton Premium Plus
You are welcome Alexander and thank you my Friend,

drcmaint Premium
Thanks for this. And bookmarked.
TonyHamilton Premium Plus
You are welcome John, my pleasure to share with Friends my Friend.

MorneOlivier Premium
Great, thank you, I just got all the Google social media angles done, so your timing is perfect, so I can set up Facebook for my different sites
Thank you
TonyHamilton Premium Plus
Great Morne,

You are welcome my Friend and thank you for letting me know.

EandMs Premium
Your video is working for me.
TonyHamilton Premium Plus
Thank you Eric for letting me know that the video is working for you my Friend.

Gingerbaby Premium
Hey, Tony I wanted to watch the video but in would not work.
TonyHamilton Premium Plus

what would not work for you my Friend?

Let me know please and thank you Dianne,
