We are always happy when we find our content ranking high on the Search Engine Result Page (SERP). As such, we put more effort trying to stay ahead of our competition. So conducting website competitor’s analysis is an important part of our marketing effort.

It will help you discover who your competitors are, their strength and weakness. You will be able to tell if they are a threat to worry about or not. It will be the focus of this training. We will look at what to focus on when conducting research.

I believe it will help develop and improve your SEO strategy. Irrespective of who anchors your website optimization, it will help you improve your strategies and hit the nail on its head.

Let us start by identifying your website competitors. You can start by typing your keyword on Google. Businesses or websites ranking above are your first set of competitors. Make a detailed list of these websites, take a brief look at their websites, their types of content, the groups they belong and other factors.

Now let us take a look at some essential criteria that should be on your excel list. It is worth mentioning that I have not listed them in any order of priority.

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Dadaz123 Premium
Great information, Parameter. Thanks so much
Lea15 Premium
Thank you for the good information.
Meenaf1 Premium Plus
Very useful information!
Thank you for sharing.
Jessiefido Premium Plus
Wow! Ayodeji, that is just what I have been looking for at the moment.

I have been doing my best to study potential competitors sites as advised by another member here the other day, but wasn't really sure what I was looking for.

The depth of your explanation has made things much clearer to me now and will help me significantly in my research going forward.

Thanks a lot my friend.
Parameter Premium

You are come Nick, I am happy it's meeting an immediate need

Jessiefido Premium Plus
It certainly is Ayodeji, thanks again.
lesabre Premium
Thank you for the lesson Ayodeji.

Best wishes,
Parameter Premium
You are welcome Mike. I hope you are good.

Continue to enjoy you day/night.
