Since upgrading to Windows 10, I was having a hell of time finding the command prompt to run the flush dns command. All of the suggestions I was getting from Wealthy Affiliate members were not working for me. I kept getting an error message.

It was frustrating to me since I have to frequently run this command often for my laptop to run smoothly. Now I can't tell you why this is, maybe someone else can explain that for us. I just know that by running this command as an administrator, it make my computer run on its best behavior (most of the time).

I am sure there are many different ways to find and use the command prompt and that is great. This tutorial will show how I personally found it, keep it in a handy place for future use, and how I run the command.

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T1967 Premium
If you press ctrl+shift+del it will take you to clear cache and history, is that what you wanted to do ?
T1967 Premium
or just hit the windows symbol by the alt key and type cmd...thats what i do :-))
lynnsam61 Premium
Good to know. Thanks Suzette!
SuzetteH Premium
Your welcome Lynn. ☺
theresroth Premium
Well done, Suzette, so handy, I'm definately tagging it!
SuzetteH Premium
Thanks Theresa, I appreciate that!
Loes Premium
LMAO - Oh for pete's sake, why can't anything be easy!

Thanks, I might need it someday:)
SuzetteH Premium
I swear Loes, I am a master at making things difficult for myself! I make this above statement often. Spend hours or days trying to figure it out. Then I want to slap myself and say " for pete's sake, Suzette, that was easy!" LOL.
Loes Premium
You need to change your thoughts, affirm daily
Everything goes smoothly and easy ;))
SuzetteH Premium
I will certainly give that a try my friend.