Your menu can be changed anytime using these steps. It is important to save each menu that you create for your website so you don't have to do the work a second time.

Name your menu in the "Menu Name" function box. I have just one menu and one name.

Because I am an imaginative person, I have called my menu "menu 1". If I created a second menu for my website, I think I would call it "menu 2". Whatever name you use, make sure to hit the "Save Menu" tab.

Your menu will be visible on your website with your blog as homepage and each "parent" page as a menu heading. A drop-down menu with reveal each page under each menu heading.

There are a few functions remaining on the menu page that you might need to use.

If you check the "auto add" setting, each new page will become the first menu heading. If you check "Display Location", the menu that you have just saved will be the menu displayed on your page unless you choose another menu.

You can also delete a designated menu. You will be asked to confirm the deletion if you choose this option.

Be sure to save every change you make to your menu.

Your menu is the table of contents of your website. It should be easy to use, logical in progression and make your website accessible.

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LouisaB Premium
Dr. Great tutorial. Easy to follow directions.
joekeriii Premium
Very easy to follow. Thanks!
TerriD1 Premium
Good Post. Something that we newbies to WA need to learn. Thank you for posting.
DreamAngel Premium
Thanks for the lesson Jim! It will be very helpul!

MommyofNine Premium
Thank you...sure like your down to earth, simplistic way of presenting the information!