Since we deal with mostly affiliate sites, this is where we will put our focus. Yes, folks, focus. And we have direction!

Will a Brand Help You with Online Success?

Yes, a strong Brand can help you to achieve more online success than without it. If you don’t have a Brand, your potential will be severely limited. We don’t want that, do we? No!

For more traffic flow to your site, a good strong Brand and a sense of trust with your visitors will help in the long run. We will deal with trust later. Trust me!

Marketing your site will be a lot easier if you have a good strong brand. You can develop a loyal customer base too. May even be an inspiration! Who knew!

Your tasks, yes, tasks, I know, they keep popping up….anyway, your tasks are as follows, should you decide to accept this mission:

  • Write down five Brands that you recognize. i.e. Nike, Monster, Starbucks', Arby's (now, I want Arby's)
  • What makes those five Brands stick out to you. Write this down. Is it the quality of their product? The way their ads pop with a catchy jingle?
Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Write down five Brands that you recognize.
2. What makes those five Brands stick out to you. Write this down.

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MKearns Premium
Wow! Brendie, you've put together a marketing e-book here! Well done!
Brendie Premium
This subject is easier to explain than SEO. Perhaps I should turn it into a book?
Thank you for your comment!
Cindyda1 Premium
I hope it's ok to reply here 10 months after you posted this. I am new and was searching for information about building trust for your site and found this. Very helpful information. Thank you!
swhittington Premium
lesson 2 brand.. Okay so I have different sites.. can/ should a brand encompass all my stuff?
Brendie Premium
That's a great question!
I have 3 completely different sites, so I had this question too. Actually, for each of my sites I have a different business brand. But, my personal brand (this is discussed a little bit in a different lesson) is consistent for each one. Well, I share the personal brand with Buddy (my pup, it's his site really) on that one.
If you're a business is like Virgin Mobile (the same niche all across) then you might consider using one brand. Here is an example of consistency in a business brand:
Virgin Mobile. They have a consistent brand all across their sites (all cellphones, I think). Same color of red with white letters, same tone, etc. And Richard Branson put his personal brand on these sites.
DaleOdom Premium
You did a fantastic job on this training Brendie! I find it very useful because it helps me to understand the importance of branding better.
Brendie Premium
Nice! I am glad this training is helping you! There is a lot involved in branding. Enjoy the course!
Profithog Premium Plus
Dude - you did awesome! I mean this looks like a WA training! Fantastic job Brendie!
Brendie Premium
Thank you! I was hoping for that!