How to Use Video in Email Marketing

I have established that email marketing can help increase both open and click-through rate. Let us walk through six effective ways you can use video in your email marketing.

1) Your Email Headline:

When it comes to email marketing, your email headline is one of the most important parts of your emails. It determines your email-open rate to a large extend. It gives your audience confidence that your email deserves their attention.

    You can do this by including the word video in your headline. Also, you can do A/B testing to confirm which one will be best for your audience. We all are guilty of it, the probability that we will open and email embed video is higher than plain text.

    That way, you will avoid the stress of creating videos all the time.

    2) Use Customer's stories:

    As marketers, we are tempted to do the marketing our selves. But the result is always awesome when we allow our customers to do it for us.The best way out with this is video engagement.

    It is easier to get the attention of our prospects when they see fellow human talk about their experience. It appears to be real, and your prospects will easily connect with this testimonies.

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    Ziqelekazi Premium
    Thank you for the training.
    Ziqelekazi Premium
    Thank you for the training
    Ziqelekazi Premium
    Thank you for the training.
    Parameter Premium

    You are welcome, I am glad you found it engaging.

    Enjoy the rest of your day

    Anthonyhu Premium
    Thanks for the training. This is useful advice to creating effective email. Anthony.
    Parameter Premium

    You are welcome Tony,

    Having videos in your emails will go along way to improve engagement with your audience and also the rate at which your mails are been opened.