We are going to look at what I believe are the 6 fundamental steps to building an article marketing action plan. The aim here is to piece together an article marketing action plan from start to finish in the hopes of making sales and gaining repeat business. Article marketing continues to be the proven way to drive free traffic to your website and boost page ranking. However, just driving the traffic there isn't all we are trying to do. We want to make a sale and keep the customers that we have gained over time. So, let's look at 6 steps to building what I like to call an "article marketing action plan"!

What Is An Article Writing Action Plan:
In a nutshell, this is a plan to succeed. We understand the fundamental truth that if one sets out to do something and has a good plan, he is at a great chance of succeeding the known goal. As writers, we all have different motivations for writing. Some may write for pleasure while some write to earn a living. Whatever the case may be, to be successful we must implement good article writing tactics and use these tactics in our plan.
Why Create A Plan:
The question almost answers itself. How can one truly be a success if one has no plan on how to be successful? It is true in life with one's aims of going to college and also in the pursuit of gaining a good job. It's true when buying a car or starting a family. A plan must exist.
How Do I Create A Plan:
To create an effective plan, we must look at the scenario from start to finish. To break it down to its most basic form, we first must create interest in what we are writing about and in the end must satisfy the consumer with what we have offered. In the internet marketing world, this means we offer a product to create interest in the hopes of generating a sale. Once we have looked at the big picture from start to finish, we can refine our plan by adding steps to go from point A to point B. This is what we call "creating an article writing action plan".
Ok I get it...on to the plan making!

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Robin48 Premium
Thanks John useful info.

Revelation Premium
Thanks Jamie!

Hope it helped in some way!

Cheers ~
Tiger7F168 Premium
Thanks Jamie!

Hope it helped in some way!

Cheers ~
Jamie Smith Premium
I enjoyed this John!

Pike Premium
I enjoyed this John!
