Some affiliates have a GIF for their ad which they keep updated for you. Sales, holiday specials, etc, can all be changed from their remote hosting site. But you need to get the link set up right in order to take advantage of that fresh ad campaign!

Any pictures on your WordPress site starts with adding them to the Media Library.

Instead of clicking "Insert Media," which gives you the option to upload a saved image from your computer, click on "Insert from URL."

This window appears:

Add the URL provided by your Affiliate program.

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tracie45 Premium
i am trying to add an affiliate to my website and it is asking me some questions that I don't know how to answer. Like Media properties. What is my media property type? what is my media property name? what is my http and description. Please help because I want to join and add them.
KleeClay Premium
Where are you getting your link? The code that I put into my media library comes from Share-a-Sale or other affiliate program. The company that I'm posting a link for has their picture and text links posted in Share-a-Sale and are updated regularly. You should be able to simply copy/paste into your media library, as I show you in this tutorial.
BBrandt Premium
This may be nearly 2 years old but helped me. I can not thank you enough!!!!!! Finally a day of successes, I am so happy.
GPeN87Bridal Premium
thank you.
VickiB Premium
Thanks just what I was looking for
KLewis Premium
Very nice work.