What video should I choose?

The first step is to write your content. As you go along and idea my come to you that a certain Video would be good at a point in your writings.

Take notes as you go along, but not as a focus. Content, keywords, wording is the first thing before you actually put in a video.

After you have finished your content, now is the time to think about adding videos.

You will need to know if there is a video available to add to your content.

STEP: Mark the place in your content where you want a video.

You may add anything to help remind you what you want. This is fine: I write,'Video' here about "angry cats".

You can add enough videos to make the content look better or to enhance some major point.

Now you are ready to search for a video about "angry cats."

How many videos should have in my article?

Where do I look for a Video?

How do I add the video to my content?

These are your next steps.

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