Regardless of the words that you choose, it is very important to keep and analyze statistics related to visitors and their activities. This will help you refine keywords, as well as determine whether or not you should continue working with a particular product.

Tasks 0/2 completed
1. Sign Up And Learn How To Use Googe Analaytics
2. Analyze Statistics for Your Site

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TEldred Premium
Thank you so much for ALL this information. I don't know what I'd do if it wasn't for the help I have received from so many people here at WA. Now, I need to analyze for a bit and get back in the game.
Wishing you the very best!!
DianneBee Premium Plus
Nice precis of all the issues. Thank you!
LindaSMcRae Premium
You are so very welcome! :)
Spectacular1 Premium
Love the way the SEO components are simplified and each one broken down into layman's terms. Bunny
LindaSMcRae Premium
Hi Bunny, thank you for your comment! I know SEO can be so scary until you know what it really is! Best of Luck to you!
Yenomym Premium
Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing. Along with the instructions, I appreciate your advice to dream about success and think positive. Two great encouragers for all of us in the Community.
LindaSMcRae Premium
Hi Marilyn, Stay positive, you can make your dreams come true! Thank you so much!
SandiT Premium
Thank you for your words of wisdom. I am going to learn more about google analytics and blog management.,,,,,Sandy
LindaSMcRae Premium
Hi Sandy, you are so welcome, and thank you! Great tools to use!
Best of Luck!