When it comes to delivering quality content, images play a vital role. Irrespective of the media via you intend to deliver content, including images is the right way to go. Whether it is social media, blog content, or YouTube, they are a great way to convey messages.

Unfortunately, the popular image processing cost some dollars. As such, some digital marketers shy away from image processing. You will agree with me that tools like photoshop can be both technical and very expensive. Some alternatives will do well and deliver professional images for your blog, email campaign, social-media content and lots more.

Whether you are a professional or a newbie, I implore you to check these free image editing tools. They will be useful in helping your business save cost and produce quality images. If you have hands-on experience with any of the tools we will appreciate you share your experience in the comment section

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GRM Premium
I have used all of those tools at one time or another. The one i use almost everyday, though, is a paif tool called YouZign.
GRM Premium
That should read paid tool! Typo!
Parameter Premium

Thank you for sharing your experience.Starters can take advantage of the free tools and migrate to paid tools as the progress

beautiful801 Premium
Good to know. I just download the pictures and use them. I didn’t know about cleaning it up. Thanks
Parameter Premium
I am glad you found it useful. It is important we clean our images and optimize them for our website. Thank you for the time taken to see the training

1Rudy1 Premium
Paint dot net is something I've used. Found some excellent tutorial videos. The layers concept was a whole different dimension for me, and shortly after reading the instructions, my eyes glaze over...grin..

Paint, is a windows tool and still available...IT WAS NOT REMOVED FROM WINDOWS 10...and is a good one for adding text to your images.

You can create a signature to add to your images.

You can add text to an image for posting on IG.

Thanks for the training!!
Parameter Premium

Thank you for sharing your experience with paint.net
