Defining a goal… That sounds obvious, but not everybody does it. If you really want to reach a goal, then you have to specify it. If you don’t know where to go, you will never get to your destination, so be as specific as possible. You might have heard this, a goal has to be defined SMART.

SMART stands for:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time Based

Here is an example for a SMART goal when starting out a new website:

My goal is it to reach a traffic of 1.000 visitors a month within the next 4 month.

Or for example if you start learning a new instrument like the guitar a goal could be the following:

My goal is it to learn 4 chords and one song within the next month.

After you know exactly what your goal is, make it visual! Write it down, make a picture out of it and hang it somewhere where you see it everyday. This is a little trick to keep you motivated… Simple, but it works!

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Debs3 Premium
Thank you, Sirio!
Sirio Premium
No problem ! ;)
mybiz4u Premium
Thanks, Sirio. Totally agree.
theresroth Premium
Hey, Sirio, this is going to help me!
Thanks so much.....☺
Sirio Premium
I hope it will ;) and no problem !!!
johnwnewman Premium
Nice training :-)
Sirio Premium
thanks ;)
onmyownterms Premium
Great presentation.
Sirio Premium