"Content Creation is the ultimate foundation of your online business"

Now, we move to the content creation. As some of most successful people in WA said, "Content is the King", we do need content to attract our target audience to come to our website. Several activities that fall within content creation:

1. Finding ideas to write as a full content. You can use keyword planner or google trends to find ideas for your niche. I personally find that google trends and reading other website related to my niche really help to fill my idea bank.

2. Writing reviews, informational article, or news related to our niche. Normally, it is better to write a longer article (some people suggest 1000+ words), but in my own experience, this is not always necessary. One post in my own website receive a 'boom' in organic traffic because it is a fresh content and akin to the trend and my audience is really hungry for that information. It has less than 1000 words.

In my company's case, one article received so many hits because it is very relevant to the trend and helpful eventhough it only has less than 500 words. We also found that the possible cause to this 'boom' is the article giving hope and solution to our audience's problem in our niche.

In my opinion, 'heavy' topic (e.g.: science), 'professional' topic (e.g.: finance, marketing), and any tutorial & review topic perform better with longer words. Other than that, you don't really need to write a long topic / 'monster' article because it may make your audience tired. 'Light' topic can perform better if you have many visuals in your article, while the number of words doesn't necessarily need to be that many.

3. Creating visuals: images, infographics, videos, podcast, and so on. Visuals are helpful in both long and short content. Place your visuals to break 'long paragraph' to let your audience's eyes a short rest.

*Tip: When you know your audience, you can determine your writing and presentation style. E.g.: Targeting professional audience should make your writing more formal, while targeting casual people should make your writing less format.

There are many training in WA about how to create a good content for your online business. The basic training classroom in WA also covers it, so do your homework by visiting it again :)

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Marcel92 Premium
Excellent training, Ferdinand. Thank you for sharing.
Everlight Premium
You're welcome Marcus :)

terrberr Premium
Hi Ferdinand;
Thank you so much for sharing your 'real world' corporate experience with us!
You have taken the time to outline some very worthy tips here.
I also appreciate you directing us to the great training Classrooms at WA:)
I need to ask you for guidance on which social media would be best for my niche: Safety at home for seniors.
Do you have an idea for me, please?

I wish you all the BEST!
Everlight Premium
Hi Terry, thank you for your reply :)

Based on my experience, a general guidance for the social media:

- Facebook : Overall a good social media in any niche. Personally, I think all business should have this social media account regardless of niche.

- Twitter : Good with niche that depends heavily with trends and personal development (quotes are really easy to be shared here)

- Google+ : Mid--high professional content. 'Fun' or 'light-topic' niche like gaming do not really perform well here.

- Pinterest: Good if your target audience is women, and even better if your niche is heavy with visuals (e.g.: fashion, travel, art/design, food)

- Stumbleupon: Have a good potential if your niche relies heavily on list-type article (usually personal development niche).

-LinkedIn: Any professional. business, startup, entrepreneur, and career related niche or audience (e.g.: office desks niche, despite being an interior design niche, targets professional audience)

- Instagram: If your target audience include men and your niche is also heavy with visuals, use this social media.

One more thing. If you are targeting local audience, it will be a very good move to research a bit about top social medias used in your local area.

E.g.: In my country (Indonesia), people generally use FB, Twitter, Instagram, and LINE. To give maximum result in local marketing, If my niche is heavy with visuals and I am targeting my local country, I will use FB (general recommendation) and Instagram, and never bother with Pinterest (because most people here even don't know what Pinterest is)

So, whether you are targeting locals or not will also affect your social media choice.

In my opinion, "safety at home for seniors" target adults and seniors, but not really a 'professional' topic. I always recommend Facebook (good to target the adults), while Google+ can be added to target both adults and seniors here.

Try to experiment with Twitter when you have time. I've seen many seniors use Twitter account because of their simplicity. If Twitter outperform Google+ significantly, than you can just ditch G+

I hope you get an idea for your social media choice :) Wish you success.

terrberr Premium
Thank you for you for your thorough and thoughtful answer, Ferdinand!

I have heard that people just hang out on FB and don't buy things there. They bounce out of there, as opposed to Twitter. I hear Twitter is more solid. Lynn Huy has mentioned this.

I don't know too much about it yet...THANK YOU for your guidance, my friend:)

All the best!
Everlight Premium
You're welcome Terry :) FB is good for engagement and finding targeted audience easily. But of course, you may want to experiment it yourself to see whether it really worth your time and money or not.

Wish you the best too.

terrberr Premium
Thank you, Ferdinand. I appreciate your opinion!