If you are to start a project like building or cooking, you would first want to see a list of essential materials for that project. It is in a bid to be sure everything will be okay and that you can complete the said project.

Use the same approach should when creating a blog article. Else you are either on your way to creating an essay your readers will not read or one that won't pass the test of search engine optimization (SEO).

If your articles see the day's sunlight, they must contain these essential elements of a blog article. Otherwise, it will only appear on the surface of your blog or amidst the debris kept aside by Google.

This training will help us create content that is both search engine and human-friendly. Sit tight as we begin to walk through the essential elements of a blog article for SEO. I know there are other elements I might have left out. Kindly use the comment section to share anyone you find essential.

Key Elelments of a Blog Post

1. Attention-Grabbing Topic

    I am cautious with the phrase "attention-grabbing." Focus your topic on your audience. It must be compelling enough to grab your clients' attention.

    As such, there is something you must do to achieve it. One of the first places to begin is finding your audience's questions and the products and services they are checking out.

    An excellent place to start is via your analytics; you will see which of your pages your audience visits most.

    2. SEO Friendly URL

      Let me put it in Google's words on Url, "a site's URL should be as simple as possible." Avoid using lengthy URLs to capture the headings of your article. But make it simple and easy to relate with for humans.

      As a rule, avoid including dates or years in your URL. While they are healthy for your titles, they harm your URL. Complex URLs are not fit for humans and crawlers alike. But be descriptive with your URLs. Read more on how to create a URL structure for SEO.

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      Aussiemuso Premium Plus
      Wise words Ayodedeji. It really helped to clarify some points for me.

      Parameter Premium
      Thank you lily,

      I am glad you found it engaging

      Israel17 Premium
      Thanks for this tutorial, Ayodeji! Among others, the table of contents is particularly important for SEO as it helps to get some snippets for your content in search results.

      Israel Olatunji
      Parameter Premium
      , hi Israel.
      Thank you for taking out time to see this training. TOC is highly essential. Same way they make navigation easy for search engine, they also make reading easy for humans

      DragomirVC1 Premium Plus
      am very interested in this!
      Parameter Premium

      Thank you Vasile.

      As simple as it may appear, a proper understanding of blog elements is important
