1. Use to Tweet Frequently

This is one of the most important points to consider when you need to increase followers on Twitter. By doing this, it will help you to be popular t. The popularity will help you to gain more followers on twitter who will be receiving your advertisements inform of tweets.

Tweeting frequently means that per day you have to tweet at a minimum of twenty tweets. A point to note here is that you should not tweet to your followers alone, but you have to also to relevant industry article.

The content that you feed should be always fresh to tweet the followers with new ideas thus they will be interested in your message. This will make you have new followers every day. The content also should be relevant to the society with day to day activities. For example, you can tweet about;

  • politics
  • business
  • moral values
  • general knowledge
  • international news
  • Discussion of the topic which needs different ideas to solve it.

These are examples of information that if you can frequently provide them to your followers and industries.

2. Setting Time to Engage With Your Followers.

    There is a specific time where your followers on twitter are mostly available. This means, you don’t have to stay the whole day tweeting as you would not receive any feedback in time, or the ones who will be available will be not of the good number.

    On weekdays, most people are available early in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. These are the best moments that you can tweet and you receive the feedback in time. If you want to tweet a message concerning the information on your products, this has no limit to do with time. People who will visit your tweet will be able to receive the message you convey.

    Weekends are the most important days that you should be online since many people are on social media. Apart from tweeting more, also you should communicate with your followers the time that they are mostly available in order to gain more information about the time they are available. This will enhance your knowledge in setting your free time to engage with them.

    PAGE 2 – How to Hashtags to attract more followers

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    lesabre Premium
    Thank you for sharing your insights. Do you still live in Sri Lanka, as I was born there.
    AmazeCPS Premium
    Really, I appreciate you. Yes, Still I live in there. Where do you live in? Thanks and I like to share information.
    lesabre Premium
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    Jadatherapy Premium
    Thank you for sharing this very relevant information I really appreciate it.

    Thank you

    JaneMahlehle Premium
    I needed this. Thank you 😊
    BrendaMZ Premium Plus
    I agree with Nurse Liz, “a lot to take in.” Wow, informative post. I got to admit I never used Twitter, my generation dont use that they use Facebook. I used to be very involved with FB but not any more. Too many changes and problems with the platform but love the FB Ads. Thanks for the training. I plan to save this so I can go back to this training. I never understood what hashtags were for and how they are used. Thanks for helping us.
    AmazeCPS Premium
    according to my experience and knowledge, Hashtags like keywords for each social media sites, they expect to populate the article using hashtags very soon. You can read more next training, I sure provide more supportive information. Thanks your comment
    nurselizstar Premium
    Oh my goodness Samantha! That's a lot to take in. I have really never gotten into Twitter although I do have an account. Perhaps I need guidance as I don't know the first thing about starting. Thank you very much for this training!

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