Is Wealthy Affiliate a Good Site to Make Money Online On?

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This article will give you an idea and answer to your question: “Is Wealthy Affiliate a Good Site to Make Money Online On?”

Before we look into the advantages of using Wealthy Affiliate (or WA for short), let’s briefly look at what WA is and what it has on offer.

Wealthy Affiliate is a training and hosting platform. When you use Wealthy Affiliate, you can do the following:

  • Build a website
  • Build an online business
  • Monetize your website
  • Open your own online shop
  • Learn about affiliate marketing and implement it
  • Research niches & keywords
  • Learn about SEO and drive free traffic to your website
  • Create and publish content/blogging
  • Learn about Online marketing and implement it
  • Learn about Social media marketing and implement it

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that can help you, as an aspiring entrepreneur, to reach success and a long-term business online in whatever niche you want to be an expert of.

Advantages of Using Wealthy Affiliate

Many successful entrepreneurs started from scratch and many of them did not know how to start a business in that sense. One of the reasons why they took a risk and now have become successful is because they risked their time & effort and invested to Wealthy Affiliate.

As mentioned above, Wealthy Affiliate will help you in many aspects and the main purpose is to help you achieve SUCCESS.

If you think Wealthy Affiliate is a good risk, you can check on the advantages of using Wealthy Affiliate.

1. You Can Sign Up For Free and No Time Limit

Probably one of the best features of Wealthy Affiliate is that you can sign up for free and you can use it as free starter member as long as you like. All you need is an email address and no credit card is required.

This gives you the opportunity to ‘try it out’ and see whether this platform is for you. You can go through the first level of training and start building two siterubix websites. The image below will show you all the other benefits that are included as a starter member vs a premium member or premium plus membership.

As a premium or premium plus member, you can save when paying yearly.

  • $495 for a yearly premium membership
  • $995 for a yearly premium plus membership

2. Step-By-Step Training That Is Kept Up To Date

One of the many advantages of using Wealthy Affiliate is their training. Not only is the training amazing and designed for many different types of learners (audio, visual, etc.), it is also continuously updated. Kyle and Carson, WA’s co-founders create training themselves and pass on strategies that work to their users.

One of the problems, when you try other training products, often is that you get to train using outdated training materials. If you want to be successful, you need to stay up to date and that includes the training. What can an outdated training do to make you successful when everyone else is trying the new and modern strategies?

In Wealthy Affiliate, the training is not only current but also innovative. In addition, it’s very easy to follow.

3. You Can Have Private Access To The Owners Once You Are a Premium Member

If you are getting confused with the training and no one from the community can help you, you can always ask for help from the owners as soon as you are a premium member. They have made it clear that they are always accessible for help and assistance if you need it. Kyle and Carson are both very active within the community.

4. High-Quality Web Hosting

One of the advantages you get when you are a member of Wealthy Affiliate is the high-quality web hosting that they offer. If you own a website, one of the ways to increase your followers is to give them a good experience as they visit your website. How are you going to do that? You need to have a good connection and fast loading website. If you can’t give this convenience to your visitors, they might not come back.

Wealthy Affiliate gives you the foundation for long-term success. If you become a premium member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can enjoy the benefit of high-quality web hosting. Other than web hosting, they will also give you a free SSL certificate. If you are wondering what SSL is: SSL means Secure Sockets Layer. This will enable the website to transfer data in a secure and encrypted route.

5. They Offer One of the Most Efficient Keyword Tools

If you have a website and you are writing posts, your best friend is the keyword research tool. You use the keyword research tool to give you keywords that are search engine optimized, would help you increase traffic and rank high among the searches.

One of the benefits of using Wealthy Affiliate is that the keyword research tool for unlimited searches is free. Getting a good keyword research tool is costly, but as a member of Wealthy Affiliate, you can use the same tool for searching for free. How is that? It’s very efficient and profitable for its users. Using the keyword tool of Wealthy Affiliate is not only helpful for the business, but it’s very cost efficient as you don’t have to pay a single cent for its lite version.

6. You Can Earn Money Inside Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is not only a training platform but as you progress and become an expert in a topic or niche, you can also train others. This is a good thing with Wealthy Affiliate. As you invest time and effort to help other members with your training, WA gives you a chance to earn by sharing what you have learned and becoming a trainer yourself, based on the popularity of your trainings.

7. Be Part of an Amazing Community

The community inside Wealthy Affiliate is one of the most amazing communities there is. You are able to consult other community members if you have questions and are also able to assist others that need help. You can interact with one another and exchange ideas.

8. The Support Is Outstanding

As mentioned above, Kyle & Carson and other community members are available to help when you have questions. WA also has a live chat available where you can interact with members as well as SiteSupport that are accessible 24/7.

9. Weekly Live Trainings

One of the most exciting times during the week are the live events held on Fridays at 5pm (Canadian time) or Saturday mornings (New Zealand time). Jay has been part of WA for over 13 years now and his live sessions are engaging, fun and very educating while he imparts a wealth of knowledge to his viewers. If you cannot watch them live, you can always watch one of the recordings later as they date back for years. These live webinars also include Q&A sessions where you can ask relevant questions. Whether you are a beginner or experienced WA member, you can always learn something new.

As a premium plus member, you'll have access to an additional 200+ expert classes a year (premium plus members only).

Wealthy Affiliate has long been in the industry and has helped a lot of people who have now become successful entrepreneurs.

If you are to ask if Wealthy Affiliate is a good place to make money on? Then my answer is YES.

WA offers everything you need to be successful. If you are prepared to be committed, follow the training and take action, Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

It is not a get-rich-quick scheme but an opportunity to build a successful long-term online business which you can reach with dedication, hard work and time.

Any level of success can be reached and the limit is your imagination. Whether you would like to start an affiliate marketing business, become a blogger or open up your own online shop, check out Wealthy Affiliate for free.

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If you are not part of this amazing community & platform yet, I strongly encourage you to join. As mentioned above, it is free and there is no risk in doing so.

Start your journey of success today!

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If you are already a WA member, please leave a comment below with other advantages why Wealthy Affiliate is a good site to make money on. I would love to hear from you and appreciate your input.


Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training

Recent Comments


Fabulous post Edith. Congrats. I agree with you 100%.

Thank you, Alfredo, for taking time to read my post and leaving a comment. Much appreciated!

I agree.

Thank you!

Great review of WA.


Thank you, Mark!

Thank you for sharing. Yes, WA has my vote 100%!

Best wishes,

Hi Karin, thank you for reading my post and leaving a comment. I appreciate it! Thank you!

It's the best platform I have seen in my 10 years plus online, and I have seen a few!

Hi Martin, thank you for sharing your opinion! Much appreciated!

Great post and very well written, I would agree with what you have put and would my insight into this, especially for the newer members of the community, as there is a lot to take on board

Here you are shown How To...

Brand yourself, which in terms of Internet Marketing is really crucial and given that there are other ventures which teach you how to brand yourself, that cost, in some cases the same amount PER MONTH, that WA charges Per Year

Set up Social Accounts to Drive Traffic to your website

Advertise, using NON SEO methods, which are crucial to your success

Choose relative and strategic affiliate marketing ventures which are proven to work

Build your own funnel of those ventures

Get top quaility training and leadership b those in the know

Meet the owners

& a whole ton more which no doubt others will add to with their own experiences

Hi Dave, that is so true. Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leaving a comment stating the above. It is much appreciated. Thank you!

See more comments

Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training