How I Made Almost $2,000 Over Black Friday Weekend


Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving/ Black Friday and that you are doing well. I know I haven't been as active at WA as I should and I apologize to all my followers. I plan on writing another blog to let all of you know where I've been all year, so be on the lookout for that soon.

How I Managed To Get So Many Black Friday Sales

Many of you know that I'm following the BootCamp training and that I promote WA on my website, which has been live now for over 3 years. When I first started here, I didn't really do much with it at first, but that quickly changed. As many of you know I made my first sale in May 2013. Read more about that here.

I currently have a pretty good amount of premium members as it is, so there wasn't much extra work I had to put in to make these sales.

I got half of these sales from existing members and the other half was made up from new referrals who just joined and know a good deal when they see one. I personally took advantage of the WA Black Friday sale myself last year and I plan on renewing my membership again this year.

Keep in mind that I also got a few Jaaxy yearly sales as well, so that brought me really close to $2k in only 5 days. I also had my Black Friday sales from last year and so far about half of the people who joined last year have renewed their membership again this year because WA is so freaking awesome.

Back when I used to have a J.O.B I was lucky to make half of that in a months time and I have nearly doubled that in just 5 short days. That alone should prove how powerful the training here at WA really is.

How Did I Get The Word Out About This Amazing WA Black Friday Sale?

I simply wrote my annual Black Friday post like I do every year and shared it on social media, just like I do with any other post I write. Since Kyle has extended this offer to Dec 3rd I think I might run a PPC campaign and see how many more sales I can rake in before Thursday.

So far I have got 10 sales and my goal is to get at least 5 more before the sale is over.

I Haven't Even Scratched The Surface As To The Potential That Exists Online

Keep in mind that this was all organic traffic from social media and the search engines. Just imagine how much more money I could have made if I had used PPC or had an email list? By Black Friday next year, I plan on using both of these methods to drive traffic to my site and increase my sales even further.

I plan on branching out and leveraging other methods of drawing traffic to my site in 2016, as well as growing my business and taking it to the next level. I have been with WA for a little over 3 years now and I feel like I have barely even tapped into the potential that exists online.

Looking To Build Up Residual Income? The Affiliate Bootcamp Is The Answer

I would highly recommend the WA Affiliate Bootcamp to anyone looking to create residual income while helping other people improve their quality of life and live out their hopes and dreams. I really appreciate Kyle and Carson for putting the Bootcamp courses together for us, and teaching us how to build a full time business online. I am so grateful to be a member of such an awesome online business community and WA has forever changed my life.

Hopefully, this post has inspired all you newbies out there and given you the inspiration needed to keep pressing on and reach your goals. I hope your Black Friday was as profitable as mine and I would love to hear about it in the comments below.

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Thanks Scott for your practical input- good to know Bootcamp teaches us ways to earn residual income. Despite your time off during the year you did well over the Thanksgiving weekend. Well done. Allen

Thanks Scott, You are very inspirational. Just when I needed it. Much success, Deanna

Absolutely awesome Scott!

This is encouraging Scott. I'm back after one year's absence and I will be working non-stop..hehe to make this work through WA training and help. Continue to succeed!

Hi Pio,

Sorry about the late reply! It's so great to have you back man after being gone for a year. I'm glad this has encouraged you and that it motivates you to continue working your way through the WA boot camp training.

Your Friend, Scott

Hi Scott. No worries there. Thanks for your encouragement. I will not be leaving WA anymore..hehe!

I appreciate it Scott!

Just have to take small action steps from my end and I always blocked by my thought in terms what goes first in life.

Got to take action !

Thank you Scott ( you inspired me )

Hey John,

Yes, baby steps are the key. If you take some kind of action everyday, you will start to see results. This should motivate you to try harder to reach bigger and better results.

If you take action, you will see results!

Thanks for stopping by John


Not bad Scott, congratulations my friend. Hope you're going to make Vegas in 2016:)

It's slowly getting there, but we're all okay, that's all that matters:)

Hey Jazmin,

Thank you so much!

It's been a while since we have talked and I'm glad to see that you are still active here at WA. I will be talking more about whether I made Vegas this year or not in another blog post. Keep your eye out for it!

I hope your situation has gotten better since we spoke last and that things are going better for you.

Talk to you soon
Your Friend, Scott

I'm so glad to hear things are getting better for you Jazmin. Keep your head up and stay strong.

You got this!

Thank you Scott, I really appreciate it:)

You are very welcome Jazmin!

I'm very happy with WA. every email has been inspiring for me to make a website that I truly love, It is exciting all the possibility that WA has to offer I'm looking to better myself with my website and affiliate marketing, I offer the same to other members Thank you scottdogg187.

Way to go Scott! I am very happy for you. :)

Hi Julie,

Thank you so much and I really appreciate you stopping by. I hope all is going well for you and that you had a great Thanksgiving/ Black Friday weekend.


Oh I am your #1 fan. :D

Hey Jorge,

It's been a long time since we have chatted and it's great to hear from you man. Since Rich is gone I would hope that I'm now your #1 fan.


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