Officially a Six Figure Business - 2018 Year End Report

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Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone had a safe and fun beginning to the new year. Just wanted to give you all a quick update on my earnings for both December and the entire 2018 year.

Keep in mind, this is not a post to brag about my accomplishments, but only to serve as motivation for those that still have doubts about affiliate marketing and the training WA provides all of us.

So my goal coming into December was to hit the six figure club, and I needed $14,185.49 to get there.

To be honest I didn’t think I was going to get there due to December typically being a slow month with holidays rolling around.

But with my niche being in health and fitness, my hope was things will pick up after Christmas. And boy did they!

The Last 7 Days Of The Year

I was able to achieve Record Breaking Earnings the last seven days. The first 24 days I made $7,194.30 which is definitely nothing to complain about.

But from the 25th to the 31st, I made a total of $17,175. Each day I was earning more than the previous day, and traffic shot up dramatically.

I was able to blow right past the 14K needed to hit six figures. In total, I made $24,369.30 for the month of December, and $110,184.01 for the year, and it still doesn’t feel real to me.

If you’ve read my Novembers Report (view report), then you know that my goal for 2019 is to hit 200K. And if I can hit 100k like I did in 2018, then there’s no reason to think that I couldn’t at the very least double that in 2019.

It’s all thanks to WA and this wonderful community!

I Can Remember Joining WA Like It Was Yesterday

That was back in September of 2016. I can remember in the training Kyle asking, “what would you be happy earning.” I wrote down $1000 dollars a month.

Never could I imagine that I would be making much more than that 2 years later. Not that I didn’t have the confidence it would happen, but sometimes it’s never realized until you actually do it.

Now I know there’s no limit to what I can achieve when it comes to my financial future.

I have big plans for the future, and I’m only just getting started. I’m just really grateful that WA is helping make that future a reality.

Final Thoughts - If I Can Do It, So Can You!

When getting started, it’s easy to think that reaching your financial goals is only a dream.

But man great things in this world started with just a dream. If you have the desire and determination, unless you quit, I see no reason why you can’t reach your goals.

I’m no different than any of you. I had very little money when I started Wealthy Affiliate, but I knew it would work cause it made too much sense.

So to wrap this thing up...good luck to everyone, and I wish you a very prosperous 2019!

Go Get Them Goals!!!!


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Recent Comments


Very inspiring to say the least, but I'm confused by the numbers, I guess I don't fully understand your niche and how you are able to convert on 1 page alone as your metrics state that the average users only go to 1.15 pages which basically means all your traffic hits one page and that's it and you have an 88% bounce rate. That's really high meaning that of 60,000 hits you actually only received 12% of that or 7,200 visitors who viewed only 1 page and stayed only 43 seconds at a time. I'd really love to see your landing page which is converting visitors on a single page visit, and from 7200 people that got there you made $7,000+ in a week?

That's insanely good but again I don't know your niche, so could you reveal some more depth about it?

I've been doing SEO for 10 years and even I don't get 7200 people on a site converting them on a single page and making that much.

You must be the Don of a new era.

I am in the health and fitness niche and I would love to see that landing page myself. Off the chart numbers, well done however you are doing it.


It sounds hoagy to me to be honest. 7000 people converting on a single page and netting the Affiliate $7000+ in a week? I don't doubt someone's success but I know hogwash when I see it.

I would like to see the page as I am in the same niche.

Ralph, you've got us all very curious over here. Please unveil the landing page that's converting 7000 people on a single page and making you $7000+ in a week. It seems to me that if that's really happening for you, you should easily be able to rinse and repeat and earn $400,000 this year from that endeavor. Show us please!

Unfortunately I won't be giving out my site, but I can assure you that the earnings are real. And it's 17k in a week.

There is really nothing special about my landing page. To be honest, I was able to find a product/service that has become VERY popular.

I wrote an article that they found and they decided to feature it within their blog. Ever since then, traffic and sales have increased, but never as much as it has since Christmas.

I have no reason to lie about this. In fact, it would be too much work to do so. Maybe when the money is dispersed in my bank account I can show you. But is that really necessary.

I wish you the very best with your business in this new year.


Nobody is saying you are lying. It sounds funky because I really do wake up to six figures monthly and even I don’t get results like this and I’ve been at this 10 years. I’m astonished that you’ve been here for 2 years and are doing substantially better than I am, and really just want to know how or why but if you don’t want to share then all good. Thanks

It's hard to believe something we can't see. Others will agree.

It's six figures for the year, not month.

I know, but to say you generated $17,000 in a week from 7,000 organic hits who only viewed one page and stayed only 43 seconds... and your not willing to show the website or landing page, seems highly suspicious. But it’s whatever, your journey isn’t mine and I have no problem co-existing here. To each their own. Congrats on making it rain! I live it daily. But you can see my stuff!

Numbers are staring you right in the face, yet you're so eager to see my site as if there will be a notification popping up for every sale. And so you know, I do have more than one post on my site.

I have over 200. I mean so many positive comments here yet for some reason you're the negative one. Sounds a bit like jealousy or whatever.

But I'm not going to keep going back and forth with you. However, just for you, I will leave you with some stats below.

What you take from it is up to you. All the best to you and your business sir.

I’m over this. Move on.

Hello Ralph,

A very happy New Year to you and congratulations on making the six-figure mark, well done!

I have been following your various blog posts and it is so encouraging to see you making such great progress, I also believe it's very helpful to beginners who are just starting off and may have a few doubts about affiliate marketing and whether it really works not.

I wish you a highly successful 2019 and look forward to watching your results grow larger.

Enjoy your day.


Thanks Roy, and yes I agree. This definitely helps provide motivation for those just getting started. They need to see that great things are possible with this business. All the best to you.

Thank you Ralph, I'm already looking forward to your next update!

Have a great day.


You're welcome Roy! I look forward to sharing it with you.

Hi Ralph,

Many thanks for this post and for sharing your success. It does indeed inspire me to keep on going. I also like the fact that you have given detailed information on the process and your progress since you started. Congratulations and wish you the very best for this new year 2019.

I am following you now.

Thank you.


Thanks Ana! I love that i'm able to inspire you and many others. It makes going through this worth it.

Way to go Ralph!! I am inspired to do more work on my site and even if it isn't a "niche" site but an MMO then I am still confident because I am seeing mistakes I made so far...that will turn into successes as I have learned from them.

Thanks for posting and I wish you even greater success for the New Year!!


You're welcome Bob! If MMO is what you're working on, you should definitely follow littlemama and Jerry Huang, if you aren't following them already. They are doing great things in that niche. All the best to ya!

I have been following them for a while now....I’m even started branching out to build my networks on Twitter now...Jerry, Grace, and Reyhana to name a few among others are being followed by me there as well.

Thanks for the great advice.

That's pretty incredible Ralph. You're joining WA's 6 figure a year club, and with such momentum. That puts you in the same league as some of our WA leaders.

Was this accomplished with just your health and fitness niche site? What was the biggest impact on you incredible revenue growth in 2018?

Are you now working your business full time or is it still your Side Hustle?

Thanks Dennis. Yes, this is all from my health and fitness niche. I am currently working on my second site promoting WA.

What changed everything was the service I promote featuring my article in their blog. Traffic increased, and so did sales.

I left my job as a kickboxing instructor in October, so this is currently my only source of income.

Very happy to be officially out of the rat race!

What a great success story, and it doesn't yet include promoting WA. I wish you the best for 2019. You'll be busy, but you are no longer trading time for money to make someone else successful.

All your efforts are to grow YOUR business. You are now officially an successful online entrepreneur. Congratulations.

Holy smokes, you went from under 1K visitors a day to over 10K a day in the last week! That's insane, wow!

Did you do anything more extra or it's just a matter of what the people in your niche are doing (their natural traffic pattern)?

What a year you've had Ralph! Congratulations on hitting 6 Figures!! Yay!

That's my 2019 goal.... you beat me and we started in the same month! :(*** LOL

Don't worry, I will catch up soon. :)

Excited to see what else you'll do this year! Wishing you continued skyrocketing success in 2019!


Thanks Grace! There was nothing special I did. It's just the natural traffic pattern when it comes to my niche. People trying to get in shape for the new years.

Even though we started at the same time Grace, I really commend you on your accomplishments. Although I put in a lot of work, I got lucky hitting on a great product/service.

Being able to do what you're doing is going to be a great challenge for me as I start promoting WA.

But I'm definitely up for the challenge. I have no doubt that you will continue to surpass whatever goals you've set for yourself because you work that hard!

So I can't wait to hear you announcement of hitting 6 figures, because I know it will happen.

All the best to you, and thank you for continuing to motivate us all.

I really appreciate this Ralph, you're a real class. :)

Thank you for being so supportive! I'm sure you will kill the Vegas train too. YES, do it, so we can meet each other in Vegas!!

Need my training? LOL

Just kidding, but I'm here if you have any questions about it. :)

Let's crush this 2019!

Awesome Ralph! Your starting to realize what dreams are made of, and your the product of WA success.
Thank you for sharing this great news and I'm impressed with the hard work you put into this business.
Such a great inspiration, time for me to step up this year and take my hard work to another level, because of people like you I know it's possible to achieve Greatness.
Reach higher for your goals, I'm right behind you.

That's what I like to hear Jay! Continue to push yourself to greatness. Success here at WA is no doubt possible. It's all about the level of effort you put into it. It isn't easy, but then again, nothing in life that's worth anything ever is. So i'm confident that you will reach your level of success. Take care man!

Ralph that is awesome! Pure motivation and inspiration. I am very happy to hear that you met your goals and beyond. I know it must be an excellent feeling. Keep up the awesome work. Can't wait until I get there....

Have an awesome year...To your continued 2019 and beyond...


Thanks Kisha! Yea the feeling is definitely unreal. But I know that I can't stop putting in the work, because I have much bigger goals for myself. Wish you all the best!

Hey Ralph - awesome! So happy to read this, and congratulations on achieving your goal. I've absolutely no doubt you'll hit your target for next year - and beat it! - and I look forward to reading your reports.

Love success posts :-)

All the best to you for 2019!

Thanks Ian! Best believe I will put in the work to make it happen.

Thank you for being prepared to share your earnings.

Your post puts things into perspective beautifully. Where else can you learn and build a business for 2 years to earn over $100k?

Writing that next blog post doesn’t seem like such a chore when you think of it that way :)

Exactly Heidi! WA provides us with the tools to accomplish great things.

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