Writing For Your Website, Simplified

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Affiliate marketing can get super complicated. There are tons of things I don't understand, even after almost 10 years in the industry.

However, the basics of how to earn money online with an affiliate website are super easy to understand.

Step 1: Write an article for your website

Step 2: Put some affiliate links in it

The training at WA will teach you the specifics of how to build your website, what to write about, how to place those links in your site, and how to promote your business online.

However, a huge amount of people get stuck in the writing portion. Many members simply don't know what to write, or how to write an article that gets ranked and gets traffic. Writing articles for your website is a huge hurdle for a lot of members.

There are many ways to simply the article writing process though. Once you get a good writing groove down, it's really hard to fail.

What To Write About, Simplified

"Keywords" are a huge deal because they help focus your article on a single topic. Google doesn't care what your keywords are, but they do care about what topic you're writing about. Rather than writing an article titled "The Best Breakfast", you'll rank and convert a lot better writing an article titled "The Best Low Carb, Keto Friendly Breakfast That Doesn't Include Eggs"

There are an infinite number of keywords, as shown by my tranining titled Generate Hundreds Of Blog Post Ideas (pt. 1). That training includes tips on how to make mulitple articles from one keyword.

And for some "back to the basics" keyword SEO tips, don't foget Where Do I Put Keywords?. You'll find all that information in the training and in Jay's webinars, but this training is specific to how I write my articles for my affiliate websites.

Writing 1000 Words, Simplified

Each article you write should be at least 1000 words. For a newbie, that can seem like an impossible task. For an experienced member, if you can't think of 1000 words for your topic, it's probably not worth writing about!

I create a training called How To Write a 500 Word Article (The Easy Way) that's a great way to figure out how to structure a basic 500 word article. Double the word count of each "section" of your article, or double the number of sections, and it's pretty easy to get 1000 words on any keyword you find.

Your blog posts don't have to be a work of art. Remember, people searching the internet for information are just like you! Would you rather read a boring, dry Wikipedia article, or an interesting blogger you can relate to? There Are Weird People Out There Just Like You so don't be afraid to be yourself and write exactly how you think.

Traffic + Commissions w/ Writing, Simplified

My most recent training was aimed at helping you think of more ideas to write about and how to write them in an interesting way. Sometimes, writing another article titled "How To Build A Fence" is just boring. What can you do to spice things up, and make your webiste unique? What can you do to change up your own routine?

If you have a couple of basic formats under your belt, you can always refer back to the templates to at least get things rolling.

Here are 8 Simple Article Styles To Make Money Online that I use across many of my websites. There are keyword tips, template suggestions, and linking ideas within that training.

When you get those article styles down, refer back to this training for ideas of Where To Add Affiliate Links For Results. Your first sale will be an amazing accomplishment! After that, you need to work on optimizing your pages to make more sales, so that you can rely on them for consistent income.

I hope these trainings help you simply the process of making money with your website. At the very basics, we are simply providing information to people surfing the internet. Writing articles is something everyone can do, with very little equipment or experience. If you've chose a topic that's interesting to you, the research and writing process should be fun an interesting.

Talk soon everyone!


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Recent Comments


Thank you for yet another fab post! Yes, it's all so simple. However, to get to that 'simple' mode one has to go through quite a lot of 'complicated' (as I am at this precise moment!). 'Complicated' is good, because that is the sigh that the 'simple' is just around the corner!

Yes, it does seem complicated at the beginning. I've been there! Once you have some experience, it can seem more like a simple process.

Always love reading your posts, Nathaniell. Some of your older posts are familiar but will revisit them now once again. Thank you for sharing!

P.S. It's surprising how quickly you can get experienced in writing 1000+ word articles, so for the newbies here: don't worry, it takes some time and practice!

Yeah, I used to struggle with 500 words, but now I can write 5000 in a day :)

Awesome information - thank you for sharing this!
Now I'm off to follow your links!


This is a great article - thank you. I'm looking forward to reading your other articles you've linked to.


Thanks for this Nathaniell.


Good stuff! Thank you for the tips!

You make it sound easy!

Great info and it's just what I needed to hear, thank you very much.

Good tips Nat, Thanks!

Thanks for the great info Nathaniell!!!

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