Have You Created Your - Not To Do List?
(Cover Photo: Man with empty pockets)
Hi Everyone,
Have You Created Your - Not To Do List?
What do I mean by that?
We all hopefully either in our minds or written down have a To Do List.
So what's a Not To Do List?
Its looking at whatever is before you and asking the question:
Does this move me towards what I want to become OR does it move me away?
We easily can get distracted and we need to catch ourselves.
This would be an excellent habit for us to have.
We can not gain back time so why waste on things that are moving us away from our desires/goals/wants?
What do you think?
To Our Success
Mel Waller
Recent Comments
Yes, Mel, I agree. It is easy to get into the syndrome of "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Distraction is always lurking in the background.
Roger Wheeler
Hi Mel,
Thanks for sharing this unique idea!
A "Not To Do List" is such a smart way to stay focused and avoid distractions.
Asking if something moves us closer to our goals is a great reminder to use time wisely.
Excited to try this out. Thanks for the inspiration!
To our success,
At the top of my "not to do list" is "give up."
Several occurrences lately have made me realize that the road to fortune is fraught with upsets.
The things that make you say, hmm.
Still, we carry on, Mel. You can't waste time worrying about it.
Yes, Mel!
We should always do the things that move us toward our goals and ditch activities that don't.
Yes this is right on point Mel. A much needed clean out list for first of year. Thanks for reminder
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Good morning Mel,
That's not actually a bad idea, as it's exceptionally easy to become distracted on the Internet! Maybe a list of bad habits or something would also be appropriate. I do find that my timer is very helpful when I'm working online, it's really just a reminder that time is ticking by fast!
Wishing you all the best and have a great day.
Thank you Roy.