Jaaxy 2.0 - Far More Than Just a New Design...


Today we are proud to officially present to you Jaaxy 2.0!

Before I get into what Jaaxy has become, I want to first give you insight into why Jaaxy was created in the first place.

Since 2002, the year I started online, keywords, websites, and market research have always been very important. But the question and the underlying difficulty behind these items was how to effectively research them.

Keyword tools came and went. Niche research tools came and went. Website research tools came and went.

There actually was never a keyword tool that we found useful in the industry out of the 100's that were available. Nothing could ever replicate or automate the processes we manually did for keyword research.

We Knew There Could Be MORE to a Research Tool

In 2009, we saw a big enough demand for a research platform that we knew we could create. We built it for ourselves knowing that if we would use it, the entire industry would benefit from a tool like this.

We set out to provide you with the information & data that you need as a marketer, skipping the fluffy, meaningless, and more often than not useless data that most tools out there give you.

We only wanted the important data that would save us time and yes, earn us more money in the process.

As an affiliate/internet marketer there are a few key metrics that you need to know.

  1. Keyword competition (the exact)
  2. Keyword traffic data (percise)
  3. A Quality Set of Keywords
  4. Where Your Site is Ranked
  5. Which Domains are Available
  6. What my competition is doing (in terms of SEO)
That is exactly what we created with Jaaxy 1.0. We created something that we loved and that others loved, but to us that is never enough. We can always do better.

Jaaxy 2.0 is the NEW way to research online.

We truly believe we have delivered on all levels within the updated Jaaxy 2.0 Interface. It was built to be more reliable than ever, faster than ever, more efficient than ever, and designed with a seamless user experience in mind.

Not only that, we have upped the ante with some awesome new features.

  1. Threaded Searching - You can now search up to 5 keywords at once (within Enterprise). This means that you can have 5 active keyword searches, making your keyword research even that much more efficient. No more waiting for the results, do another search and come back to your threaded searches and your awesome results will be waiting for you.

  2. Alphabet Soup Technique - You can now perform an INSTANT alphabet soup search on a given keyword and get 100’s of variations of that keyword organized alphabetically. This has automated a process that once took a significant time manually entering keywords into a google search.

  3. Search Progress Bars - You can now see how long you have to wait within any given search as the search progress bar will show across every search bar as you are doing the search. No more sitting and waiting, the search speeds have been vastly improved and you now also know exactly when you can anticipate the results.

  4. Google/Bing/Yahoo Search Analysis (formerly just Google) - Want to spy on what the competition is doing? You can now do that with ease in ALL search engines, not just Google. It can be very powerful to reverse engineer things like word count, kewyord density, page rank, descriptions, page titles, etc within the top pages of the search results for a given keyword. This feature truly gives you a competitive edge.

  5. Site Rank History - You can now see your SiteRank history within your SiteRank results. This means that you can see whether your rankings are going up and down within the search results (in Google). This will be a precise indicator of whether or not your SEO activity are having positive or negative affects on your campaigns, thus allow you to improve your campaigns like never before.

  6. Keyword Mining - Jaaxy has a keyword data set of 10,000,000’s of keywords and we believe that it will surpass into several 100’s of MILLIONS mark in 2015. This excites us and it should excite you knowing that not only are you getting the best, more powerful and accurate keyword data, you will have access to perhaps the largest keywords data set in the industry.

  7. Server Power GALORE - We have continually add to the server infrastructure and the technology that powers the beast we have come to know as Jaaxy. The search results are faster than ever, the QSR is faster than ever, and the performance of Jaaxy is up to 8x faster than it has ever been!

If you don’t have Jaaxy as of yet, I highly recommend that at the very least you get you free 30 searches (no obligation, no credit card required). You can create your free account here:

==> http://www.jaaxy.com/createaccount

If you are a currently member of Jaaxy, log into your account and check it out. You are going to be warmly surprised by the new updates, the new features, the new speed & power, and the much more organized and intuitive interface design.

Enjoy Jaaxy 2.0, I know you are going to love it!


Kyle (& Carson)

PS. We have not made a big deal out of this launch because we are not huge fans of launches, rather we quietly go about our business providing you with the best service, the best tools, and best experience to help you create more success as a marketer. In saying this, Jaaxy 2.0 is a BIG DEAL and I know you are going to absolutely love it.

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Recent Comments


I upgraded to Jaaxy Pro last week - looking forward to delving into the new features. Cheers Kyle and Carson!

You are going to love it!

Great work Kyle!! Love it!

Str8 Fire!

Amazing product, that really works. Thanks to it I got on the first page of Google 2 days after creating the website. Now I just need some referrals so that I can join monthly subscription on Jaaxy!

Awesome, wonderful to hear about your results Erika. The sales will come, keep working at it you will get there!

LOVE THIS!! Just made my efforts so much easier!

This is the most amazing change. I have seen some keyword tools in my day but this takes things to a whole new level.

Great Work guys.

Only Problem is that now I have to figure out all the stuff that the new platform can do to make it the best tool that can it can be.

Videos will be coming very soon Craig, just wanted to get it out there and fix any bugs that we found on "live" before we roll out the videos. Training and "how to" walk-throughs will be coming over the next week here. :)

Tony just succeeded in breaking it. He got a whole page of code displayed.
He is of course a power user and not too many softwares can keep up with the speed of his brain. I'm a bit slower and haven't noticed any issues so far. Looking good.

Great job. Thanks!

Just test driving the new Jaaxy 2.0 changes...wow, this is super quick now! Well done guys, I'm impressed!

Hey Adrian,

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the speed! We put a lot of thought into how we could deliver data faster and in some cases we're showing data 8x faster for ENTERPRISE users!

Thanks for the feedback :)

Wow this is great work with french keywords :D i think i'm gonna upgrade now ;)

Awesome Jeremy, you won't regret it. Definitely a good platform to have for all your research needs (keyword, website, niche).

Just checked out a bunch of stuff on there, and really cool new features that I really like! Thanks for this update, and this will streamline a lot of the research that I do with finding keywords.

From a member standpoint I really appreciate how hard you guys work to always improving the products.


No problem Marissa, we have been working hard to get this update out (6 months in the making). We know that everyone is going to really enjoy the new features as well as the improved speed and reliability which was also a huge focus with this roll out.

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