Updating My Blog Success So Far.
As I continue my training their are so many things I want to dive into! Ambassadorship, Qualify for the upcoming Vegas Trip, or just make my first dime on the many niche's I will blog about in my upcoming post.
Although it is not $5,000 each month or a Volvo. I thought it would be nice to share my success that is plastered throughout my website Ha Ha. I obtained a clean cut $150 for creating a website and a monthly income to consistently update their site/form a .com
It wasn't my initial thought coming into this line of work, but ultimately achieves the goal I set out for. Extra income to at some point perhaps go full time!
Although I feel it has hindered my continued success here, but gave me a much needed break to recollect my thoughts and ideas! Many more post to come!
Get ready WA world!
Recent Comments
I'll be shooting for the Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat if I get a choice! I wouldn't mind a Jaguar either, I'm not picky lol.
Every goal accomplished is a goal worth celebrating. Congratulations! Your car is just around the corner
I believe this to be true! Definitely ecstatic about my accomplishment. It may not be much to some. I truly see a new car right around the corner or at least "on the website my dream car is located".
True it's not a Volvo, but making $150 and a recurring income straight away is way better than 99% of people manage.
You'll find a lot of people start out planning to do an affiliate site or promote WA but then, often accidentally, find a different way to make money online.
But if you're doing websites again appeal to a niche, don't make sites for every small business - lots of competition. Become the go to guy in your area for making simple, functional sites for a specific type of business. And then charge a monthly retainer for hosting, SEO, adding some new content to keep it fresh etc
That's a perfect outlook! I still want to fully explore promoting WA, but I can't leave money on the table. So, it has turned into a situational situation.
The Plan:
(1) Family/Full-Time Job.
(2) Producing content for the current website and acquire referrals to develop more websites for additional bands.
(3) Keep working on promoting WA and my own content using the additional downtime.
Thanks for the comment,
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Nope, get a Mercedes!! Seriously, well done on your achievements - and here's to making it to the next step :)
Thanks for all the encouragement!