Made $7,395 in a WEEK: First Black Friday Results!

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Yea, you heard that right! I just made $7,395 in a WEEK because of the crazy Black Friday Sale!

And this hasn't include all the other recurring commissions. This $7.3K is solely from Black Friday sales.

I had a total of 59 Black Friday sales over the past week.

I was really surprised by this result because this is my first year promoting Wealthy Affiliate's Black Friday Offer.

Around this time last year, I just completed my 2-year full-time national service and didn't have a single source of passive income.

Fast forward one year, I not only built up my very first full-time 4-figure monthly passive income stream at just 21 years old, but I also managed to crush $7.4K in one week leveraging Black Friday.

Because of that, I'm expecting a 5-figure paycheck in January 2019.

But this post is not about me and I'm not here to brag. It's about YOU!

I've just proven to you what's possible of accomplishing in just one year's time if you are really serious about your business.

And by the way, Black Friday doesn't just apply to Wealthy Affiliate. Black Friday is one of the best annual events for all internet marketers of all kinds.

No matter which niche you're in, there will be a way for you to benefit and make great profit from Black Friday because during this period, most people are in what we called the "buyers mode" and people have their credit cards ready to purchase stuff.

You have around 1 year's time before Black Friday 2019 comes. I recommend you to set it as a 1 year goal for you.

You don't have to start preparing for Black Friday 2019 yet. It's too early.

What I recommend you to do is to focus on building the following:

  • Your brand within your niche
  • Your followings on social media within the niche
  • Traffic to your website
  • Email list
  • YouTube subscribers

These are just some of the ideas for you. Once again, you don't have to master everything. FOCUS on ONE first. Build it up and then move on to the next to diversify.

Clarity & Focus are very powerful!

At the same time, you also don't want to spread yourself too thin. After all, there are so many things we can do.

That's why you need to be clear about what you want & how you want to achieve it based on your expertise and your current situation. And then, FOCUS!

Having said that, I'm sure many of you are curious what are the exact things I did to achieve such results, right?

Here's What I Did For My Black Friday 2018...

#1 Blog Post on My Site

I wrote a blog post on my site targeting Black Friday related keyword one month before the actual Black Friday. Within a few days' time, it's ranking at the top of that keyword.

And then, I use that as the sales/landing page where I drive my traffic to.

In other words, I don't send people directly to WA's Black Friday affiliate link. Instead, I have that blog post as a landing page and I incorporate my Black Friday affiliate links within that post.

This is important especially you're marketing to cold traffic (people who are not so familiar with you or what you're promoting).

So, an important takeaway from this point is to create a landing page as a "bridge" so that potential customers are more convinced when they land on the actual sales page.

Most of the time, I believe my prospects are already "sold" even before they land on the actual sales page to enter their credit card info. That's the best scenario you want to have.

This is an important element to boost your conversion rate no matter which niche you're in!

#2 Email Marketing

As suggested by Kyle, I created 11 broadcast Emails that's being blasted out to my list at specific timings.

(Read this: What You Can Learn From Black Friday.)

#3 YouTube Video

The blog post I just mentioned is to dominate Google's SERP to get organic traffic.

On top of that, I recorded and published an YouTube video to dominate YouTube's SERP for my target keyword which is also relevant to my Black Friday promotion.

Similarly, I published the video one month before Black Friday.

Interestingly, both my video and blog post can be found at the top of Google's search results page when I search for my keyword :)

#4 WA Blog Post

Right before Black Friday started, I published a blog post within Wealthy Affiliate to inform my referrals within the community about the offer.

This only applies to WA promotion. If you're promoting other products in your niche, I recommend you to join relevant groups or forums way before Black Friday and try to become an authority within the group/forum.

The way to become an authority within a group is just to be active, share more and help more. Focus on genuinely providing values and your expertise.

This allows members in the group/forum to trust you more and pay more attention to you when you have something to share or promote.

(Make sure you check the group/forum's rule regarding personal promotion. Don't get yourself banned from the group because of spamming or breaking of their rules.)

#5 WA Private Message

I sent each of my Premium referral a Private Message within WA to inform them about the amazing Black Friday Offer.

Because I have hundreds of referrals, it took me a couple of hours to complete even though it's just copy and pasting the same message.

#6 Sidebar Banner

Prior to Black Friday, I shared with the community a custom sidebar banner I created myself to promote WA Black Friday:

Black Friday Sidebar Banner for You to Use

That's the exact banner I put in my sidebar which I link to my Black Friday Blog Post (The landing page, remember?)

Again, I didn't link directly to my Black Friday affiliate link because I want to have that "bridge" and warm my prospects up first.

I'm not saying you can't directly put your affiliate link. You can still get sales that way. I just think the conversion rate will be higher when there's another landing page as a bridge.

Anyway, you can test things out to see which works best for you.

#7 Ribbon

A ribbon is something like this:

I set it in a way that it will appear when a reader scrolls through 20% of the page/post or when he/she decided to leave the page.

Whichever happens first, this ribbon will show up at the top of my website.

Again, the button links to my Black Friday Blog Post.

One thing I could do better is to add in the countdown timer earlier. I only remembered I should add a countdown timer when the Black Friday Offer is ending.

If I added in the countdown timer since the beginning, I'm guessing I may have gotten even more sales because a countdown timer in such situation is very powerful. It creates a sense of urgency for people to take action.

#8 Social Media

I created Instagram stories and publish my Black Friday video on Facebook as another way to promote it despite I don't have a huge following on social media.

This further shows that you don't need to have a huge following on social media or lots of YouTube subscribers to make money.

Those will definitely help a lot if you have them but they're not the ONLY way to go.

That's pretty much the things I've done for this year's Black Friday to get my results.

As you can see, these numbers don't just come in naturally or easily. I worked hard for it months before Black Friday.

I hope this post has given you some inspirations and ideas to move on with your business.

Once again, if you haven't read THIS POST, yous MUST read it!

Let me know in the comments below if you're interested to find out how I did certain things like the ribbon, etc...

Also, don't forget to hit the LIKE button if you find this helpful 😊

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Recent Comments


I am so impressed with you Jerry! You are an inspiration to all of us,who believe that we can do anything we want,when we combine total belief in what we are doing,and the knowledge that we learn here at WA, there is no ceiling,nothing stopping us from having success.Your sharing and giving spirit is what is making you successful.You have just given us your blueprint on what you just did.Congratulations on your accomplishment and continued success!

Thanks John! And you're right! All the best to you :)

Thanks my friend!

Hi Jerry,
Loving this post! Thanks for taking the time to share your results with us. It gives a little motivational boost to keep on going.

Yes, would love to read more about what you did with:
My Email Marketing campaign
Or the Ribbon thing

Just one question, did you do any paid ads to promote the black friday sales? Would love to know whether I should be incorporatinh more paid ads in the future.

Thanks! :)

Thanks Wina!

For email marketing, I use an Email Service Provider/Autoresponder tool to build list over the past few months and what I did was just pre-write the Emails I want to send out and then schedule them at the specific timings I want. All these can be customized with a good autoresponder.

For banner, I simply use Photoshop. You can use Canva as well for simplicity.

For the ribbon, it's a feature within Thrive Leads, a premium WordPress plugin. All the settings can be done easily within their tool.

Let me know if you're interested to invest in a good autoresponder and/or Thrive Leads and I'll share more with you.

I'm still learning about paid ads so not much success. I've tried a bit but still learning. Most sales are through free methods.


Jerry, you are just amazing!!!

Congratulations to your well-earned success.
You are one of a kind role-model!

Thank you for sharing your extremely valuable knowledge about how you have made this journey.

I have saved this post and will read it over and over again.

You are a great inspirational source!!!

Wish you continued huge success!

:-) Pernilla

That's awesome Pernilla. Thanks! All the best for the upcoming year ahead :)

Congrats Jerry and what awesome results your getting for your hard work.
Would you pl share the link of your blog post which you used as the landing page if you don't mind.


Thanks, Jerry.

Nice one Jerry - awesome result and well deserved.

You are very inspiring and motivating.

All the best

Jon and Debbie

Thanks a lot Jon & Debbie!

Very well done, such brilliant ideas. How did you do your email marketing?

I use an Email Service Provider/Autoresponder tool to build list over the past few months and what I did was just pre-write the Emails I want to send out and then schedule them at the specific timings I want. All these can be customized with a good autoresponder.

Let me know if you're interested to invest in an autoresponder and I'll share more with you.

Yes please, I’m interested to invest in an auto responder. Many thanks

Just sent you a PM :)

I would love to know yours and Little Mamma's secrets. The real secrets to your success. A lot of people are doing exactly what you say but not getting sales

Like I've mentioned in this post: There's no secrets really.

Ill read this again 2 months before Black Friday 2019.

As of now, I will focus on these

"Your brand within your niche
Your followings on social media within the niche
Traffic to your website
Email list
YouTube subscribers"

Thanks for sharing how you did it!

That's awesome. All the best John!

That's brilliant! Well done...and thanks for sharing!

My pleasure David!

Wow Jerry!! You never cease to amaze me. Your results are awesome and so, so well-deserved.

I was totally slapdash this year. With limited time, I only managed to publish one post on one of my sites and one on WA and achieved one Black Friday Sale. Yaaaay! I was thrilled! And encouraged.

Next year I will be way more prepared.

I'm bookmarking your post right now to follow your success strategy. Thanks for not only sharing your brilliant results, but also training us so we can follow your lead.

You are a rock star!

My pleasure Lauren! I'm glad my sharing helps. All the best :)

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