Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019- $7200 Results! How to Make Money Online Now!

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Wealthy Affiliate Review 2019- How to Make Money Online Now with Wealthy Affiliate: It's all about Trust, Consistency, and Patience.

Thanks to the training and mentorship at Wealthy Affiliate, this is my monthly commission check as we approach the start of 2019.

When I first began this process not quite 2 years ago I didn't think I could earn that amount of money passively through a website. I knew nothing about affiliate marketing, and I had never attempted to build an affiliate marketing website before.

It is proof positive that the training at Wealthy Affiliate not only delivers, but it is the best you'll find online, hands down.

Did you know that Wealthy Affiliate's training can show you how to sell products online from home with ZERO competition? Did you know you can earn thousands per month by simply connecting people online with the products and services they're already searching for? Did you know the cost of starting your own online business can be less than $1/day?

In this Wealthy Affiliate Review I want to share with you the mindset you'll need to have to make money online now with Wealthy Affiliate and get the most out of WA's training. I want you to be so stubborn with your own success that you won't be able to fail.

Creating wealth online doesn't come about overnight. Don't fall for the hype machines you see online that make crazy promises you know are too good to be true. You're smarter than that.

There is a straightforward system in place here at Wealthy Affiliate that absolutely delivers. Don't doubt that for a second. The key is being patient, trusting the training, and continuing to build your business.

Just like you can't build a rent home and expect to be making money when only the foundation is poured, in the same way you have to be patient as you build the foundation for your online business.

The training at Wealthy Affiliate teaches you 4 things:

  1. how to choose a profitable niche
  2. how to build an affiliate marketing website
  3. how to create quality content that is the answer to your target audience's searches
  4. and then how to turn that traffic into conversions and consistent monthly revenue.

Choose your niche according to things you're interested in. What's your passion? When you choose a niche you're interested in, you're a part of your target audience. This is how your audience will connect enthusiastically with your content.

Building your website is a breeze with WA's training. Don't worry if you've never built a website before. The training guides you through the process step by step. Not only will your site look great, but it will function with speed and precision and have a strong foundation for building into the future.

Start simple and build forward. Don't get caught up in aesthetics early on. Keep it simple and as you progress your site and its look will progress as well.

Traffic is the lifeblood to your online business. It's the foundation everything is built upon. And the major component to building traffic that so many get frustrated with is the time element.

It's Natural to Want Traffic to Come Overnight. The Internet Doesn't Work Like That!

It takes time to earn Google's trust. This is a good thing. It means that when you build your traffic right, your success will LAST!

Looking for how to get traffic to your blog? Check out these 6 free steps anyone can take to build real traffic that lasts.

By following WA's training you'll see that trickle of traffic in the beginning prove to be the begining of a steady stream. And with that traffic comes conversions & CONSISTENT MONTHLY REVENUE!

Be Patient With Your Results & They Will Come. Can you imagine going to the gym and after an hour of working out going back home to check your scale and check your results? Can you imagine doing this day in and day out? It wouldn't make sense to do that, right?

Trust the system. The training right here at Wealthy Affiliate ensures that your traffic is built the right way. It's not about cheating a system or buying traffic, it's about creating consistent quality content that reaches a larger and larger audience.

This is done methodically as you progress lesson by lesson through this training. You're guided step by step through keyword research, structuring your content properly, getting comments and gaining interactivity, and consistent publishing.

Every lesson and every task in this training guides you through every step of the process so that you're never alone. The first 10 lessons in Wealthy Affiliate's training help you to build that strong foundation you'll need for a business to last.

The course lessons after that dive you into the monetization process and scaling your business out.

Be stubborn with your success. Stay driven. Look at other members' success and see it as inspiration. The person posting his or her success story in their WA blog was in your exact same position once.

Want to see some WA success stories? Check out this MEGA list from 2018 alone!
2018: Another Year of Success! Growth at Wealthy Affiliate!

The one true constant is this: the training at Wealthy Affiliate consistently delivers. It does this year in and year out. This year's Super Affiliate Conference in Vegas will be the largest one to date and that is a testament to not only the training but to the leadership behind this company.

Will there be people who start and fail? Yes. Will there be people who attack the training and don't look back? Yes. Which group do you want to be in?

Stay driven. Stay stubborn. Work until you reach your goals. It's a great time to be a part of Wealthy Affiliate, and I couldn't be happier to be a part of this awesome community. Set your goals, and set them high.

You are going to be a Wealthy Affiliate success story.

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Recent Comments


Congrats Eric. This is awesome.
Your message is heard loud and clear.

This is great advice and inspiration. not just to new members, but to all of us who are still working on the training, trying to get traffic and having moments of fatigue or losing focus.

I agree that the training here will lead us to our success as long as we implement it correctly, work hard and like you said, stay focused.

I have even witnessed the success of members who stay consistent with their writing. There are some who even publish more than 3 or 4 post a week.

I have actually recently decided to create as many post as I can within the week.
I have seen the difference it makes compared to writing just a couple of post here and there.

Thank you for reminding us and for sharing your success with us.
Wishing you the best in all you do
Lee Ann

Well said, Lee :) This community inspires us all. It's what really sets WA apart from the rest. Thanks for all the support!

Content, content, and content.
Are the comments on a website help make a quality content?

New comments are seen basically as new content. When Google sees interactivity and comments and replies, it lets them know this is a popular post. Every little bit helps and when you're doing this with every single one of your posts and can really help in them being seen :)

What could be better, to have each post receive a comment or to concentrate on one as the center of the website?

Great post Eric and congrats for that passive income! By the way, the analogy with the gym you make is very good!

Thanks, brother! I'm really glad this helped. That's what community is all about!

Congrats. That's awesome! I just have a dumb question (as I'm new to WA, but not new to affiliate marketing. Did you earn that money from you niche site(s) or by promoting the WA program?

By promoting WA program.

When I joined, my immediate feeling after being mind-blown what I considered eye opening training was that there are so many people out there who could benefit from this. I dived into the Affiliate Bootcamp and never looked back. It's really rewarding watching people grow from this training :) And that isn't even remotely a dumb question :)

Inspirational! Thanks for taking the time to share. CheerS!

I appreciate it! Thank you!

What a great story thank you so much for sharing this. :-)

Glad to help inspire! That's what community is all about!

Wow! Congrats on your achievement for November and thank you for the encouragement and inspiration!

I appreciate that, brother! Thank you!

Right on! We need to read posts like yours every day, as they help us stay on track and remind us why we must continue. Thanks!

That's the best part about this WA community! Thank you for the support!

Love the success story--great inspiration!

Thank you so much! Glad to help!

Well done, Eric! It's been great to see your growth.

I'm really glad I found one of your articles 2 years ago, Jason, lol. My search led me to your review and a couple years later this platform has really opened my eyes to what's possible in the online world. Thanks so much for all the continued support!

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