Umbrellas for sale

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What an absolutely brilliant way of thinking; and about time we all started thinking like this with our blogs and posts.

Last week, it rained, and then it rained some more, and some more. I walked past a shop in Glastonbury High Street and there was a sign in the window – UMBRELLAS FOR SALE – I was sorely tempted, I was soaked through and had left both my brollies at home.

I walked past the same shop today, in brilliant sunshine and really hot – PARASOLS FOR SALE

So I went in the shop and found the owner – Liam.

Me: Tell me, did the sign last week say umbrellas for sale, I asked

Liam: That’s right, I change the sign to suit the weather. It’s no use advertising umbrellas when its sunny, or sunshades when its raining.

Me: That’s very good, but it means you have to have both in stock.

Liam: Oh no. Here’s the clever bit. It’s the same umbrellas regardless of sunshine or rain. People are buying the same product, we just change the name to follow the weather – and it works.

How many of us change how we pitch our blogs to suit what is happening around us. Perhaps we should pay more attention to when the next tennis match is on, the next superbowl or NASCAR and start to write about the same products but with greater emphasis on what events we know are coming up next.

Just a thought.

Stay lucky


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Recent Comments


That is such an awesome idea! What a great marketing tactic. It's the same product, just for a different use! I sure got use out of my brollie today! I think only two of us out of about 900 people in attendance had an umbrella with us! Everyone else was soaked to the bone but my granddaughter and I stayed mostly dry as we huddled under the umbrella to seek the shelter of the 4-H building.


Glad you had your brolly. Famous last words for many - I won't need an umbrella today - will I.
Take care.

You and Stuart are always coming up with new words....brollies. It's to keep us on our toes right???

Brilliant sales pitch too.


We are trying our best Debbi. Some of your own words are confusing to us.
What on earth is a "slider" - that took me for ever to work out and I'm still not sure I got it right.
Enjoy the day.

It's fun interacting with people from other countries. I learn do much.

Sliders are little burgers. 😁

I learned a new word today......brollies. 😂
That is a clever sales pitch, I like it.
Thanks and Have a Great Day!

A very English word chuck.
We also say "raining cats and dogs" don't know why.
Enjoy the week

We say "raining cats and dogs" as well.....and it is verified when you step in a poodle 🤣
You enjoy the week as well Sir

I like it, step in a poodle.
It actually rain frogs over here a few years ago. Tiny tiny things from North Africa, blown up in a sandstorm.

The phrase is supposed to have originated in England in the 17th century. City streets were then filthy and heavy rain would occasionally carry along dead animals. Richard Brome's The City Witt, 1652 has the line 'It shall rain dogs and polecats'.

Wow, thanks Catherine. That actually makes a lot of sense. I always thought the animals came out of the sky, but no, they are washed along the gutters.
I’ve learnt something today.

Haha, Chuck! I see what you did there! LOL


Love it Bux but... are you seriously saying you have been walking around in South West England, in June, without any of your brollies???

I hope all is well buddy and enjoy the rest of your week! :-)

I'm afraid so Nick. The British Legion would be horrified. Don't tell Stuart, he wouldn't forgive me.
I'll try better tomorrow.
Keeping well I hope, are you still holed up in Switzerland.

In Seattle, we can tell the who the tourists are, they are the ones with the 'brollies' when it rains here...grin.

During heavy rain, we wait it


Ha ha. great one. We have a similar game in Glastonbury.
Spot the tourist - right again ...

Definitely don't tell Stuart here Bux!!

And yes, still holed up in Switzerland and looks like the case until at least the end of next week!

Been a bit warm for me the last couple of days but it's always a bit warmer back home!

Tomorrow we should get some rain so that will help!!

Take care of yourself buddy and stay dry!!


I personally like that idea as it is a clever one. Always have been. :)

Myra ♥️

Thank you Myra. I liked his attitude.
Look after yourself.

This is a wonderful idea. Stay on your toes with your promotions would be the main takeaway with this post!


Definitely Michael. We can from lots of sources.

Brilliant! Thanks Bux!


Appreciated Mel. Hope that all is well with you and your family.

All good here, Thanks Bux!


Excellent news Mel.
I've had a long weekend of radio silence. I needed the quiet time and now its back on the track.

Clever, really, when you think about it. And how you describe the item's purpose can be flexible to suit any occasion...


Exactly right, Rudy. Very switched on marketing.

I completely understand the concept, Bux!

Well done!


I was speechless Jeff. Such a simple idea, just change the sticker in the window.
Catch you later, I've had a couple of radio silence days, and enjoyed the rest.

No worries, Bux! That was GREAT!


Excellent idea! Thank you for sharing

Thanks Kathie. A simple idea and easy to implement.

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