WA Rules - Wealthy Affiliate Rules & Regulations


The reason I am writing yet again about the WA Rules is mainly because many members do not know them or bother to take the time to seek them out. I know when I joined, I went looking for them and when I was not sure on something, I asked Kyle & Carson directly before taking action. It is the responsibility of ALL members to do this simple task and not have to rely on other members to point it out to them.

However, recent events have cropped up yet again regarding the “Spam” issue within this NO Spam community. Though the intentions of the individual were out of kindness, the rules were being broken, and temporary action was taken. Members MUST follow the rules for posting here within the community and should also realize that what you post here inside WA is also visible to EVERYONE on the internet.

I have often heard, and I have said this myself, that these NO SPAMMING RULES should be well identified and perhaps be part of lesson 1 or 2 of the training, because many do not seem to know about them. But since these rules currently are not “in your face visible”, how is one to find out about them? By doing what I did and search for them.


That being said the easiest way to search for anything and everything within WA is to type your search query in the search bar at the top of the screen. However typing in “WA Rules” or “Wealthy Affiliate Rules” do not produce the Rules & Regulations I am providing at the BOTTOM OF THIS BLOG.

So I named this blog WA Rules – Wealthy Affiliate Rules & Regulations so that both of those search terms will appear if someone should type them into the search bar. I already know that if you type in “what can I do here” or “what you cannot do here” you will get my training tutorial that has the below link of the WA Rules.

With this past recent event, there were many that had strong feelings about the action that was taken on the individual for breaking the rules of the community, rules and regulations that are meant to keep this community the best there is online.

It is not my intention to judge anyone’s action or reaction to the proper system process that took place. It IS my intention with this blog to help with a solution so that members can find these rules easier.

So without further ado, here is the link to the WA Rules - Wealthy Affiliate Rules & Regulations. Remember! You CANNOT ask or solicit members to join or donate money to a cause, no matter how well-intended it is, here WITHIN the community (especially since it was not a life or death situation). There are more suitable areas to do so OUTSIDE the community. ~ Thank You For Reading.


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Very timely Robert. Thanks for posting this. ~Marion

I hope it's the last time I have to do this. Next time I'll just share the link.

Thank you Robert.

You are welcome.

Hey Robert. I believe the first thing we have to understand when we join Wealthy Affiliates is it is a place of learning, and that we signed up of our own free will without any coercion or upsells from anyone, least of all our Co-Founders, Kyle and Carson.

But with relation to the heart wrenching happenings recently, I realise there's nothing to stop us going outside of WA compound and set-up funds for the individuals through the social medias. I did send some SOS for someone to twitter and facebook, and I believe it works just as well without all the heart burnings.

Blessings for all.....

There is a time and place for everything.

In my opinion it shouldn't need to be searched for. It should be more visible and obvious at all times somewhere on the website with a direct link. Right next to the TOS.

I agree but it is what it is.

Thanks Robert, you've made the rules easy to find. :)
Only the other day I sent a pm to a member who had posted a blog that was against these rules. They were new and didn't know, a quiet friendly reminder and they sorted it out. Now I'll be able to point folks to your post. :)

Thanks Kathy. I'm sure I'll be on Chat with you and you will get that member the link quicker than I will. You always seem to beat me to it. LOL

Lol! :)

Thanks Robert, I had a warning too, a few months ago, and I went over all my posts and deleted several, who where not quite by the rules, haven't experienced a block so far, and I really try to follow the rules to keep it that way.

I regularly see blogs which are on the edge of spamming :)
You always have to ask yourself, do I "give this community, or do I "take out of this comminity.

Have a nice day Robert!

I totally agree with You Loes. I'm more careful now about WA rules, it is also a question of respecting WA.
Personally, I do have a tendency of following my heart and passions rather than my head, it has been detrimental at times. ;)
We do have a bunch of close friends here @ WA, something to be Honored and Cherished.
PS, I just noticed your email this Morn, thank You, was very Appreciated

I have never been blocked but I have had a couple of blogs removed.

I'm sure many members have experienced the same thing and I know of some who have experienced worse.

You got me smiling here!!! here, I'm sure you know why!

Thanks Joseph, you are welcome:) there are a lot of reasons why we do what we do :)
And I go out of the good intentions of people.
Have a nice day, enjoy! Loes

Thanks for taking the time Robert, Clear and concise.
It's a great reminder.
As you clearly pointed out, though the intent might be highly honorable, fact remains, Rules are Rules
Have a great day my Friend

You are welcome Joseph. I just hope members take the time to seek out the rules. Now if someone types Wealthy Affiliate Rules or WA Rules, they can find it.

Thank you for your blog. Actually I didn't knew that what we write in here could be seen "out there". I thought it was just for us members of WA....

You are welcome Sara.

Yes, EVERYTHING we write here within WA, except for our profiles, are indexed into Google for the whole world to see.

wow...I really had no idea! Thank you

I'm glad you wrote this; also have an increase to affiliate ads and 'invites'....Thank you for making the rules easier to find!

You are welcome Rosie. I just hope members are smart enough to seek them out.

Rules are well known but it is annoying to see how frequently they are ignored. So it is good to point them out from time to time.

Now when people type Wealthy Affiliate Rules, it is at the top of the selections. - Mission Accomplished!

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