Sportsman’s Guide is the Nation’s Largest Outdoor Gear and Clothing Retailer. An internet and catalog company, we've been outfitting the nation’s outdoorsmen and women with top quality, name brand gear and clothing since 1970. Customers know they’ll find huge selections at The Guide and bargains every day! We sell only quality items and for a whole lot less than others. We literally search the world to keep brand new items flowing steadily from week to week. We offer the Lowest Prices and Best Quality GUARANTEED on Outdoor Gear, Government Surplus, Camping Gear, Hunting Gear, Shooting Supplies, Ammo, Boating and Marine Products, Work Wear Clothing, Footwear, Automotive, and Much More! Affiliate program details/Benefits: Weekly promos and coupon codes Over 200,000 SKUs updated regularly in our product catalog Dedicated affiliate team Sportsman's Guide Overview: Guaranteed lowest prices Our Guide Outdoors community/blog is a one-stop resource of outdoor information to help make your time spent in the Great Outdoors more enjoyable Sportsman’s Guide® branded merchandise (Guide Gear, HQ ISSUE, CASTLECREEK, HuntRite, Bolderton) have a Lifetime Guarantee against defects in material and workmanship We're an all-in-one operation, and most orders are shipped directly from our 591,000 square foot warehouse in St. Paul, Minnesota Buyer's club members save 10% every day (5% on guns and ammo), exclusive member-only deals, interest-free monthly payments and more! Our Military Surplus team makes multiple trips a year around the world to places like Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, France, Switzerland and many more to find authentic gear and rare supplies Nexus States: Due to tax nexus laws, we’re unfortunately not able to partner with affiliates from the following states at this time: Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia.