Find Out If You Have Hidden Food Intolerances Want to know what's really causing your food intolerance or allergy? Want to get more information about your diet so that you can get on with your life? The solution is here... Simply order our unique full intolerance testing package, then send us a few strands of your hair and we'll analyse your hair sample against 700 known food and non-food allergens and toxins in our database. Now Discover Your Intolerances.. The Fast And Easy Way Most intolerance conditions are associated with a particular food or drink you consume and so finding a remedy is simply a matter of avoiding the products that make you feel unwell. However, with so many possibilities, only an intolerance test can reveal the truth. Even painful blood tests cannot reveal the true identify of any particular food intolerance… so why bother? Program Highlights 40.00% commission on every sale. 90 Days Cookie Tracking. Coupon and deal available to promote. Attractive Banners and Text Links Available. Monthly newsletter to get you the latest updates for promotion. PPC bidding not allow for SEM affiliates. Dedicated Affiliate Manager.